who's left?

Aww MissJ I've missed you so much hun! I know how you feel about the preg tickers etc... I avoid all the Tri's now and try to avoid BFP announcements too :blush:

Nice to see so many people coming out of the woodwork, more people need to start posting!
Ikwym though missj, it's like a constant reminder that people are moving on isn't it :(
I would miss ttc though, deffo more activity and fun here ;) xx
I've wondered if coming back on a bit more often would actually help, at least I'd be able to talk to people who know where I'm coming from. I just struggle a lot with the pregnancy tickers and bfps

Just stick to the "Trying To Conceive" section then, it tends to be pretty safe...

Oh, stay away from the testing threads too :oooo:

The "Am i pregnant?" section is practically an extention of the BFP Announcements.

I'm sure that you can turn of tickers (signatures) in the control panel too :)
I'm here :wave:
I lurk more then I post though.. I'm only on my 2nd cycle, I never know what to write on forums and so It just takes me ages to fit in haha.
Interesting, thanks for the tip Louise, gonna turn off tickers now!
Hey cazza! How did the tests go by the way? Did you speak to the lupus nurse and did you get the clotting tests? I'm stillwaiting on my results next month, takes forever :(

Awww thanks for asking Nurse!

Had the tests done and I know I have to see the Nurse/Consultant about the results, but both are on holiday until next week - typical!!!

Hopefully the NP will ring me Monday.

It seems that any tests I have done take an absolute age!!!

FX you get yours sooner hun xx
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Definetly agree with Louise B!! I only stay in TTC - find 2ww hard enough without everyones bfps in ur face in "am I pregnant section" x

I like seeing ov tickers- wonder if way to turn pg 1s off only???
Definetly agree with Louise B!! I only stay in TTC - find 2ww hard enough without everyones bfps in ur face in "am I pregnant section" x

I like seeing ov tickers- wonder if way to turn pg 1s off only???

Feel free to browse my 2ww thread, no bfp announcement in there lol x
I've wondered if coming back on a bit more often would actually help, at least I'd be able to talk to people who know where I'm coming from. I just struggle a lot with the pregnancy tickers and bfps. :(

Someone slap me, wake me up! ;)

It's nice to be posting again, I've missed it here. :hugs:

x x

Hi Miss J :WAVE:

DOnt want to seem like a stalker, but i have been reading your story today (love the name miss July as my birthday is in July - the best month!)

Just wanted to say how strong you are and to urge you not to give up hope. I know it must be so hard at times but think of what you have already been through. This can only of made you stronger as a person.

I had a miscarriage shortly after you, my cycles are a nightmare to track (sure my ticker is wrong but i want one anyways) dont know when im ovulating, when im due, when i should test etc etc.

Anyways just thought id say hello :)

Becky x
Aw thanks ladies. :hugs: :love:

I'm definitely going to try an pop on more, I think I might have to make myself get back into the swing of things, otherwise I'll always be stuck in a rut. :doh:

Missed you all lots!

P.S. thanks for the info r.e. the tickers, I feel mean switching them off but it brings out a terrible shade of green and it's NOT my colour! ;)

x x
grrr just woken up to 2 new pregnancy announcements on my Facebook. Jealous much? Thank God I'm flying away on Monday, really need to let my hair down!
grrr just woken up to 2 new pregnancy announcements on my Facebook. Jealous much? Thank God I'm flying away on Monday, really need to let my hair down!

I know Dita as much as im happy for the ladies im so jealous an wish it was me.
Its not the bfps that get me, or even the tickers, it's the "I'm having a........girl" threads. I can't go near them, can't even scroll past them xx
Its not the bfps that get me, or even the tickers, it's the "I'm having a........girl" threads. I can't go near them, can't even scroll past them xx

You'll get to make your own "I'm having a gril thread" soon enough Cosmic :)

What upsets me more than anything is knowing people who are in Tri3 or giving birth - it just reminds me of how long i've been in ttc and how it could have been me.

Plus i hate how i can't relate to the same ladies that i had sooo much in common with only a couple of month ago.
I know, I can't believe that I know people in tri 2, has it been that long???? It's like losing a friend when they move to tri 1, hopefully we will be able to join them soon xx
we'll all be there one day, I'm sure of that...

I only look in TTC threads now - I used to be excited by the others, now I'm more inclined to wait until I'm in the same place

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