Which Pram???????????

Yeah definately going to Milton Keynes Hospital.
It just got 3 stars and a really good cleanliness report. I was really impressed with the reports although I have heard the labour ward is very cramped but I'm not planning on staying over night!!!!! Here's to hoping!!!
Also heard that the staff are all lovely. I think the only prob with it is that it's not big enough for all us residents so it can take hours for a doc to come and check you over and discharge you etc.
Are you going to MK Hos too? I'm sure I read a post from you saying you were going to a diff hos?
I worked on MK maternity ward (9 + 10) for a few days and I won't go in to the cleanliness. The staff I won't discuss either. Just say I won't ever go there for anything ever again.

I'm going to Bedford hospital. The wards are better designed, it's more homely, nicer looking, cleaner, fresher and nicer staff (who are well trained).

Have you not looked round the hospital labour ward yet Bubble? xx
No haven't looked around yet. Should I have by now?
One of my neighbours had a baby there in July and said it was fine. She is my only source of info at the mo!! And the report obviously!!
Yeah some people are happy with it totally - I am just very scared of hospitals now. When I went into Milton Keynes after having my second m/c they put my on a male medical ward - not Gynea - and the nurse was so nasty to me and wouldnt even get me another blanket. I was in a drafty side room and I was so cold and didn't have a dressing gown due to being rushed in. Baring in mind I was in agony and it hurt like hell to walk - I had to wak to the other end of the ward to get MYSELF a blanket - wearing just a cotton surgical gown as a nightie in front of loads of older men. The doctor a couple of days later then proceded to tell me, with no explanation and just matter-of-fact like, that I would probably never have children. It shattered my world.

My Partner's Grandad also died of MRSA in MK hospital - so it has bad vibes for his family too.

When I worked as a domestic cleaner at the hospital for a few months ( this was as long as I could handle it) cleanliness was appaling on most wards. Urine and dried blood left on the floor for a week, windows never cleaned/didn't shut properly. Human waste of all kinds left in the toilets and showers which the nurses refused to clear up (even though it was their job to). I was expected to do all of this ina measly 4 hours as well as do 2 tea runs, clear up dinner, clean the whole ward top to bottom, behind everything, and the pay was awful. No wonder it's never cleaned properly - they don't pay the staff or get enough staff in to do it.

It really depends on the setting you want. If you want clinical and white with big side rooms (6 bed rooms) then go there, if you want homely with small side rooms (4 bed rooms max) - then go to Bedford. As the mother and being in MK we have the choice of MK, Northampton (which I also think is better than MK), or Bedford. Or even Stoke Mandeville (a childrens specilist hospital) if you wanted!

It's just my personal feeling about the place really that stop me going there. Labour ward isnt as bad as the rest of the hospital, it's just not my first choice. I wouldn't say don't go there though. You have never had a bad experience of them and most peeople haven't. At the end of the day, if it was so awful all of the time shouldn't they of shut it down by now?

Most midwives in MK hosp are nice, just not all of them. But then I guess that's just the staff they picked, not the hospital. Quite often they are bank midwives but that's a UK issue with midwives and not just MK.

I looked around with my midwife again when I was about 8 weeks PG I think. Are you registered at Middleton/MK Village surgery?

If you want to go there, then please go there - the above is just why I personally will not go there among other things.
I'm registered at MK Village Surgery. Going to see my GP next week so will ask her about hospital visit then. I did ask my midwife for info on the hospital as there wasn't any in the pack you get when you book in. She said she still hasn't recieved any.
Not sure when you worked there as I know 2yrs ago it was terrible. Had no stars at all and the cleanliness was awful. I think they were given a year to sort it and last year got 2 stars and this year got 3. To be honest I don't plan on staying in hospital longer than is absolutely necessary!! I've never in my life been a patient so am a bit hesitant about being in hospital full stop!!!
Hi Sam/Bubble

Don't let the stars situation make your mind up - hospitals have to meet 8 or 9 key targets to get the 3 stars, not sure if any of them are around cleanliness and most put all their efforts in to meeting these key targets so they can get the best rating and look good to their patients but the areas that are not measured tend to suffer. Your best bet is to speak to other people who have been in there and have a good look around.
LOL Bubble - good plan!! My midwife took me round the hospital - my surgery is on Pennyland (other side of centre:MK to you). I did work there 2 years ago, but from when I went into hospital in September 2004 it still hadn't improved an awful lot.

I really hope you have positive experiences of it though. My best mate Chrissie has had all 3 of her children there and loves it and thinks I'm bloody mad to go anywhere else! :roll:

Fee - my minds made up already - Bedford hossie here I come (in 24 weeks time)! :lol:
Hi ladies

Firstly Cat could you tell me how much roughly the mamas&papas sport is including everything as i quite liked that.

Secondly i work in Eastbourne Hospital and we only got one star. i go into a lot of the wards and the hygeine is quite good. now the hospital that i had my boys in is Newham Hospital and they got 2 stars and it is the grottiest hospital i have ever been in. Most of the points for the stars were awarded for budget and not patient care. So this point system is not really a good indication as to the hygeine and patient care. I am sure that a lot of the hospitals did not get physically checked they just had their budget checked.

I think the best idea of a hospital you can get is not from literature or perhaps what anyone tells you even, but from the feling you get when you actually walk in there. I went round MK again with my midwife before I ruled it out, I went round two other hospitals also and then decided.

Looking and judging for yourself is the best way.

My advice, if you haven't heard from your midwife about visiting the hopsital - ring the hospital(s) and ask when thier next tour of labour ward is and that you'd like to have a look at everything. Normally this is done in a group of soon-to-labour mums.

I wanna go buggy shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just wanna get all the stuff and play with it! I want it all to be more real but we haven't got virtually anything yet and it's so wierd.

The best thing is getting the baby clothes. i absolutely love the vests, babygrows and nappies. i used to dress my childhood teddy.

Lol I used to do exactly the same thing! We have bought acouple of bits - one for a tiny baby (just incase but unlikely) and one for up to 11lb's. I can't wait to see my little one in them though :D
Oh my god I've got it's full wardrobe sorted until it's 12 months lol!!

I bought about 12 outfits and a very well off friend who only buys the best brands gave me about 100 outfits that she bought for her baby (now 18 mths) but has never worn or only worn a couple of times. I'm not bothered about 2nd hand I know where they've come from and she's saved me hundreds of pounds and loads of time and effort.

Have I got OTT on clothes? I just can't resist lol!!
Yeah, got my pram today. Decided on the Graco quotro thingy me bob system in sunset (i.e. orange and silver). We have put it all together and spent an hour playing with it to make sure I understand what the hell I am doing without having to cope with a baby too. Its a travel system, was going to go for a 2 in 1 but baby can lie flat in it so am happy. Plus its light and folds up easily and small, and was only £160 with car seat base, though I have to buy the raincover seperate but its only about £25. Felt so wierd knowing my baby will be in it soon, especially when I was pushing it around the shop, I felt like I was 6 and had a toy pram. Just need to get some L plated and I'm all set xx
Sami said:
Bloody hell Kim - got any more mates like that? :wink:

lol Sami. Yeah I know, she also gave me a bin bag full of her clothes that don't fit her any more, which has saved me loads on maternity stuff (she is bigger than me) I bought the baby some stuff and took her out for a meal to say thanks.
hi girls

i posted a reply on here a few days ago 2 show you all the pram im going 4. well iv changed my mind and thought id show you my new 1. im so pleased with it. it was £200 cheaper than the 1st (yeh i know) and it comes with everything i need as the other i had 2 buy everything else seperatly. phewwwww finally made up my mind. hope you all like it.


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