Which Pram Have You Bought.....?

I've gone for the pliko pramette... :)

I got mine off the website for 150 when they were punting an "out of season" pattern.... if I'm honest out of all the prams i looked at it was the only one for me that did the job... i.e pram/pushchair in one and wasnt too bulky as well!
lisa-marie said:
We have gone for the silver cross linear freeway in pistachio loving how easy it is to put together & change between car seat/pram but also like the fact it can face you or face away so very versatile

http://www.mothercare.com/gp/product/B0 ... 1&mcb=core

I just bought this one! After having bought the SIlvercross 3D which is basicly the same at the M&P Pliko thing. Its exactly the same infact. But once Corey hit 3months he was out of the carry cot and in the pram - facing away from me!! :( I didnt like it, I thought when I was pregnant, 'Oh, hes not going to want to look at me, hes gonna look at the world blah blah' so that one was perfect. And he might want to look out at the world. But I want to look at him!!!! :lol: So iv had to buy another one that faces me, and away.

Just to put that opinion out there, think about it ladies!! Dont want people making the same mistake I did! :doh:
Forgot to add, that Linear chassis with the freeway seat unit IS THE BEST THING EVER!! I love it, its a fantastic pram. A little on the big side.... you need to have a fair size boot!! But its fantastic. I bought it in Salsa 8) so its red n that.

Fantastic pram, you'll love it!! :hug:
We are going for the Icandy Apple Jogger - its a 3 wheeler, all terrain as we will need to use it when we walk the dog daily, comes with carry cot, and the maxi cosy car seat is compatible with the push chair chassis!


Our "must haves" were:

Must have adjustable height handle as we are both tall
Must be suitable for off roading
Must have a compatible child seat - and the child seat must have a fixed base option (have you tried putting a child seat in the car without using a fixed base - its near impossible).
Must be easy to steer etc

Originally were looking at the Jane Slalom, but this doesnt have a compatible fixed base car seat, and we will be using the car a lot, I know I would loose my patience very quickly trying to secure it with seat belts everytime.
ive to gone for the pilko pramette. I love it

cant wait to use it :dance:
we have bought a jane powertwin as we have a toddler who will be using it as well. I also need a single as he is in nursery in morning and i dont want to lug a double around with just a newborn in lol.

when I had my son we had the hauck infinity. I have had quite a few pushchairs now and this was the best one by far.
It faces forwards and back, is sturdy and he was very comfy in it. you can buy a carrycot and carseat to fix on although we didnt have these because he was too old by the time we bought it. my worst pushchair is the one we have at the moment (quinny zapp) as iot tips over so easily and gets stuck on small stones on the pavement let alone anything more difficult.

Iv got the Silver Cross Sleepover Deluxe Vintage pram which i had for Lovella but sadly i needed a double one this time so iv just got a First Wheels City Twin. I Refuse to sell or give away Lovella's pram tho and plan to keep it in my family for years & years to come :)
EllieBelle said:
We are going for the Icandy Apple Jogger - its a 3 wheeler, all terrain as we will need to use it when we walk the dog daily, comes with carry cot, and the maxi cosy car seat is compatible with the push chair chassis!


Our "must haves" were:

Must have adjustable height handle as we are both tall
Must be suitable for off roading
Must have a compatible child seat - and the child seat must have a fixed base option (have you tried putting a child seat in the car without using a fixed base - its near impossible).
Must be easy to steer etc

Originally were looking at the Jane Slalom, but this doesnt have a compatible fixed base car seat, and we will be using the car a lot, I know I would loose my patience very quickly trying to secure it with seat belts everytime.

That looks ideal ! How much ????
firstangel said:
EllieBelle said:
We are going for the Icandy Apple Jogger - its a 3 wheeler, all terrain as we will need to use it when we walk the dog daily, comes with carry cot, and the maxi cosy car seat is compatible with the push chair chassis!


Our "must haves" were:

Must have adjustable height handle as we are both tall
Must be suitable for off roading
Must have a compatible child seat - and the child seat must have a fixed base option (have you tried putting a child seat in the car without using a fixed base - its near impossible).
Must be easy to steer etc

Originally were looking at the Jane Slalom, but this doesnt have a compatible fixed base car seat, and we will be using the car a lot, I know I would loose my patience very quickly trying to secure it with seat belts everytime.

That looks ideal ! How much ????

You cant buy them on-line which ensures the price stays the same for each supplier!!

£469 - thats for the pushchair and carrycot, and all the accessories that come with it, but doesnt include the child seat!

I want something thats going to last and not date too much so I can hopefully use again it if we decide to have another one!
My mum bought ours for us yesterday it was £300 but I fell in love with it! Its a graco alpine xl travel system from babies r us its a buggy/pram/car seat etc its so lovely!!
Sugarhigh said:

we have that in the dotty pattern, it's lovely as it comes with everything and we can travel with it easy as the car seat goes on the wheels lol

lol just as i finished typing that my neighbour came along with another pushchair for us to use when travelling, its brand new never been used urban detour one so we now have 2 lol
We got ours delivered yesterday the britax java travel system wasnt very keen on it when I seen pics on computer but when I seen it instore its actually similar style to the silver cross ones I had intially liked, but it is VERY lightweight and easy to use. Cant wait 2 have a wee baba 2 push around in it now :D
tallulah73 said:
Has everybody bought their prams?

If so what did you get?

We're going shopping for ours next week. I was going to get the Mamas & Papas Pliko Pramette with the car seat but now im not so sure :think:

http://www.mamasandpapas.co.uk/range/pl ... ette/3141/

I'm thinking of going for the Pliko Pramette as well as i want a car seat that has ISOFIX on the base which the M&P's ones do. This pram has £75 off at the mo too but i'm not sure whether too take a risk and wait for the January sales and hope there's a sale then! :think:

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