Which Pram???????????

OOOOoooo just showed hubby that one, and he likes it. How small does it fold down and is it heavy?
Sorry to ask questions but Im trying to get as much info from others before we go out and just buy the first thing we see.
It folds down almost flat, and the wheels come off to make it smaller, they are very easy to take off and put back on, just one click so even i can do it! lol

Its not very heavy atall i dont think.

its lined with fake sheep wool, its so lovely, and the outer covers are like a swedue feel (cant spell it but i hope you get what i mean).
It is like sitting in one big giant cuddly teddy bear, i fell in love with it the moment i saw it.

Its now sat folded up in my bedroom upsatairs and each time i walk past it i have to stroke it! lol

you get the car seat, cosy toes, rain covers and matching bag all in with the price, i thought it was a bargin myself
Thanks for that. Think we might just go and have a look at that one. I like touchy feely things, if you know what I mean. Anything soft is great.
This is ours
http://www.mamasandpapas.co.uk/travel/a ... detail.htm
just picked it up this weekend, its so light weight and practical, weel priced for a mamas & papas one aswell.
I like that while the baby is small it will be facing me, then once its older it will be facing outwards, so it gets a lot more visual stimulation from looking all round at where its going.
i really want the quinny speedi SX with the added carrycot.... in the black colourway. it is sooooo nice...... went to see it in the shop the other day and it is just what i want but a bit pricey - does anyone know if it can be bought cheap anywhere on the internet?



but in this colour:

I looked at the Bugaboo Frog and am tempted but am waiting for the new range to come out in the next few months. Have also looked at the Quinney Buzz which looks great and handles slightly better than the Bugaboo - Has anyone got one of these and would they recommend it?
Hi girls.

All your prams are great! its getting exciting! i havent bought one yet but ive been looking on ebay, they have some fantastic bargains and i think they are all new prams (some might be ex display) but there are some great 3wheelers and some great travel systems for as little as £89 when some of them should be nearer £300 full price. what a bargain!

Happy shopping x :lol:

We are getting the Jane Powertrak 360 or slalom. I live in Eastbourne and we do loads of walking in the Downs and also on the beach, so i need a good sturdy three wheeler. plus we are going to order the Matrix system and that is a car seat that lies flat, which is better, so ive been told for the baby.

anyone got any thoughts on the Jane system or heard anything bad. i am going to order it next week. thoughts appreciated.

This is the buggy we have decided on now as it's from mothercare we also get a 20% family friend discount :wink: It's not out till September and will cost £160 normally. It's made by Graco (I think) for Mothercare. And it comes with everything

Combined car seat and pushchair, includes car seat base, cosytoe, change bag and Mothercare Weathershield


It looks really nice and comfy - we just hope the car seat will be compatible with the car now.
Oh Sami

I really really like that. We have been after a Graco too. Such a reasonable price too for what you get.

Ragna xxxxxxxxx
Very reasonable price. With it being made by a good brand for mothercare you can certainly trust it's quality. Think you'll have to go up to the bedford Interchange to have a look at this one when it comes in Ragna or Kingston coz as you know, MK isn't the best set out shop! Who ever though of putting the nursery stuff on the top floor when you waddle like a duck up stairs when your pregnant :lol: (or I already do anyway!)

Ragna - we'll end up meeting up with matching buggies hahaha :lol:
I love Mothercare at Kingston but agree with the one at MK being silly upstairs !!!!!.

Ohhhhh Im gonna show my DH when he gets in, that is really really nice !!!! yeah matching prams lol lol

Ragna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
im gonna get the trenton deluxe aswell looks really nice seen a few ppl with them looks quite strong :D
Hi All!!

I got a 2 in 1 convertable from Mothercare. Check out the website as it may be cheaper to order them direct from Italy.


Sami and Ragna: I too live in MK!!
Do you?! That's cool :D Where abouts? PM me if you'd rather not say on the thread. I'm in Olney so just outside but saying MK is a heck of alot easier lol.

By the way - Bubble and Ragna - have you heard the local news about the guys in Northampton? Just be careful yeah? xxx
I plan to get the Bugaboo Chameleon. The pitch on it was that it was the best all terrain pram and i need a good sturdy pushchair becuase of where I live and the fact that I do a lot of walking.

I did look at the Jane 360 as well. I plan to go away in October to purchase so will make my final decision then, but at the moment I am very keen on the Chameleon.
Hi Sami

I live in Monkston (10min walk from Kingston) Hee Hee!!!
Moved here in March and concieved 3days after moving (roughly). Must be a very fertile city!! We looked at places in Olney but too far out as I don't drive. LOL.
I think I heard they're building a new school there?
Oh and Ragna, we are due on the same day (26th Nov?) so I might see you in the labour ward!!!
Are you going to Milton Keynes Hosp too then Bubble?

I know Monkston - one of my mates lives there. It is a very fertile city. Lots of mums of all ages everywhere lol. :lol:

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