Where are you!!!!??? ** update ive had appointment **

Still that is probably a good sign, I don't think it will be much longer now ;)
Im guna clean like hell today. See if that budges him lol xx
I new he'd show me up like this :p lmaoo xx
I'm still crossing my fingers for the weekend for you :) x
I bloody hope so.. 26 degrees in cardiff sun and monday! I NEED HIM OUT NOW lmao xx
come on Noah!! your keeping us all waiting

He must be cosy in there!
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Hold in there m'love!!

I had 2nd sweep today, midwife said she fully did not expect to see me today and couldn't believe I was still going and cervix was so "favourable" last week. I was fully convinced I was in labour last night as really strong Braxton Hicks and back pain, turned out to be trapped wind!! Frustrating!

Booked in for induction on 10th July, however I'm like you, want baby out by weekend, due to be 30C over here in Kent Sunday and Monday.

30!!!! 26 for cardiff so far! Hope it doesnt get any hotter lol!!

Aww god help us!
Lets hope neither need to be induced ay and we get these babies out in the next 48hrs!!! Xx

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