When will I start to glow? Lol!


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
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As asked in the title- when will I start to glow?

Meeting a friend for lunch in a bit and my skin is soooo bad! Acne and eczema and bags under my eyes x
You won't. It's complete bull. I feel as crap now (apart from the sickness) as I did 4 months ago - just fatter
Aw kitty that's pessimistic, lots of women do glow after the first tri. I did, I was really lucky and pregnancy just suited me.
The first tri my skin was awful and I felt so nauseous but after my first scan it all changed and I felt lovely. Don't get me wrong in the third tri I threw up loads from acid reflux but my hair was lovely, my skin was lovely and I felt fantastic. I was all bump so didn't really feel fat

Some women unfortunately don't but others do so hopefully it'll come for you to!
Lol- appreciate the honesty Kitty!

Yeah, my hair's really greasy too x
You're hormones are all over the place they just need to settle,
You're hormones are all over the place they just need to settle,

Yeah, definitely because I look like I would do a day or so before AF would have shown. Hopefully as you've said in 2nd Tri it'll clear up or if I have a bump at least it'll be obvious why I look a wreck lol! x
My skin was amazing the other day! So soft with rosey cheeks... only happened for 1 day aha! Now I look like shit xD
I was told I was glowing in my second trimester. About 20-25 weeks then after that I got "oh you look huge"

Some say you dont glow as much if you have a boy, maybe thats why my glowiness ran out :lol:

Second tri is the best :D

Also, I do think this glow is only apparent to others, i didnt ever feel glowy..

My hair grew like the clappers but thats all.

Ah Kitty I am sure you look lovely!!

I am being told I "look really well" like you Shepherdess pregnancy seems to suit me once my hormones have settled in the second trimester....around now 29-30 weeks onwards I get a bit of "you look tired" but overall the glow is once your hormones settle and you get your energy back its like it comes through that you body is doing an amazing job!! xx
I was taking antibiotics for rosacea for 3 months recently and my face was near cleared up the best it's been in a very long time, but I had to stop them like 3 weeks ago and my skin is awful, so much for the doctor saying pregnancy might help keep it under control and make it look better and don't get me started on the bags under my eyes....also searching for this so called baby glow :)
Piled on the make up to go out and managed to feel presentable. It's fine cos my friend knows I'm preggas so she's not gonna think I'm ill or on drugs lol. She actually told me she's TTC number 2 at mo so hope she gets a :bfp: soon and we can be pregnant together! x
Oh FP! I just had a good cry to hubs about the same thing. At the moment I feel sick and fat. Hoping the pregnancy glow is juts around the corner !
My hair's texture has gone odd, normally a little bit fine but smooth and silky and straight, now it feels thicker (which is good) but a little coarse :( and has odd kinks and slight waves in it :confused:

And random spots, not normally an issue.
I glowed last to a, this time I have an ethereal glow of "I'm going to puke" with intervals of "I look like shit"
I'm glowing due to all my bright red spots all over my face! I'm starting to think this glowing thing is a lie lol xx
I felt so crappy the first 12 weeks, my skin was awful. Covered in boils and my hair was greasy etc! After that it was fab, my skin was lovely, my nails were so long and strong and my hair grew like wild fire. Your hormones are all over at the mo Jess, once they calm down you'll start to feel better.

I actually heard you glow less if you're having a girl because they zap all their mummies looks ;) xx
Thanks for all your comments ladies!

Oh, I really hope that theories right Leah, I'd love a girl! X
Everyone thought I was having a girl because my last pregnancy I was ill all the time and spewed the duration...

Its deffo a good guessing game.

Im 50/50 on what your having :lol: :p

You got an inkling? My inkling for me was wrong.

This time Im feeling another boy. Not sure though, decide at 12w.


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