when did people get a negative result....

Had a little bit of brown stuff again and a weird pinkie discharge, went to the doctors and they said it might be my period on its way. Nevertheless I'm still worried! He gave me a prescription for antibiotics just in case it gets worse but doesn't think I should worry, I had a blood test yesterday and it doesn't show I have an infection. Still getting a faint positive and having period like cramps, has anyone experienced this or parts of it? Another week, another drama!
Aww cazzie sorry to hear there's been more confussion! I've not had similar but feel I'm always about 3 or 4 days behind you with things so who knows!! I got blood test results back for iron levels which now seem to be normal so that's one very small bit of good news sort of.

Every other test I'm positive still and 3 and half weeks after the op now. Quite strong + on hpt and on the odd days I've tried opk mr smiley is there grinning back at me still.

If doc has said they think its nothing to worry about then I'm sure it'll settle again, and if its starts of period that's a good thing, things getting back on track! Keep me posted, we both have to start making good definate progress soon x
I know! I spoke to a nurse at the epu and she said I shouldn't be getting positive tests now (very very faint) so panicked a bit!she said to wait another week to test and if it's still positive to go in. My doctor didn't think there was stuff left behind as it would've shown up in my blood tests plus I'd be in a lot of pain! Cross fingers everything works out for the best!

It is funny you're a few days behind, it's nice having someone go through the same thing I can talk to (although it's horrible you're going through it too!) X
It has been good to have someone to talk to, although wouldn't wish it on anyone. We seem to be having pretty similar experiences to date. I really would just like to get a neg test soon, didn't think it was asking too much! Has it been four weeks for you now??

I'm trying to distract myself as much as possible, I'm make out running, will be swimming again next week once I'm back at work and been dtd a lot!?! Just feeling in the mood a lot haha
Haha! I dtd on Tuesday then had some light pink stuff so I was scared to do it last night! Have typed in light pink bleed to Google (I know I shouldn't have) and the words implantation bleed came up! I seriously doubt it's this but If my test gets stronger next week, I might mention it to the doctor. My test last week was extremely faint and the one I did this week was ever so slightly darker but noot sure if that's to do with when I took it? AHH!! If ifs and ands were pots and pans......!!
Hope you got caught first time cazzie. Ill be checking for a stronger line! I'm cd11 from my first AF since the mc. Starting using opk this month for the first time. If I squinted yesterday I could see something so going to test each day now.
Before my first AF I had a strange bloody discharge which I thought could be implantation but AF got me a week later. Was very heavy,clotty and painful so not sure if it was a chemical or that's what they like straight after mc?
So I'm hoping for a Christmas BFP testing on 20/21 dec xxx
Good luck hun! Let's hope we have some good Christmas news!! :)
Well dropped urine sample off first thing and got call this afternoon saying its a strong positive. So back tomorrow to do blood tests to see what the levels are etc. She asked if chance I was pregnant again, which there is sort of but can't see that being it as I've never had a neg test so I'm thinking maybe I am just that slow at getting back to normal :( trying not to over think as have had some mild cramps and twinges.
What are the chances hun? It is possible!!! I'm testing tomorrow as I had a positive on Saturday that looked stronger than last week. Still haven't had my period and getting twinges and mild cramps. Not getting my hopes up but it's been 5 weeks so surely I should get a negative by now?!
Will do, don't even know what result I'm hoping for anymore as don't really know what it means!
Hi Cazzie, have you done another test? It's been 18 days since my D&C, just done a test and still bfp but a lot fainter, hoping by early next week it'll be gone. Onto ovulation tests next. Roll on that smiley face :) xxx
Let us know how it goes. I've just managed to ruin a jumper as plaster didn't stick after blood test, I ended up in tears about it when I got home, silly I know, just feels like yet another thing that didn't go right. Should get blood results tomorrow, really nervous and don't know why!
I've bought some tests today but doing it tomorrow morning, don't really know what I want to see! If it's negative, I'll be happy as it means I'm back to normal, if it's positive I'll be pregnant!
No results today despite being told they would be back, small chance tomorrow but not holding my breat. Don't want to be left having no idea until monday but looking likely :( oh well
A strong line on a first response test, think I'll leave it another week and see how it changes. I'm seeing my doctor on the 16th so will chat to him about it. Confused!!
I'm kind of just behaving now as if could be pregnant just incase so no drinking etc just incase, although really think I'm just slow. Got a poorly bunny rabbit to look after now, feels like nothing is simple or going our way at the min!
Cazzie omg I've just saw your getting a line. Have you had a negative before since the mc? I sooo hope its a BFP for you! I was hoping to get caught straight after but didn't. We have tried sooo hard this month and my opk tests are confusing me so not sure if I've ov yet or at all this month. Lots of bd so we will see.
Good luck Hun. Xxx
Even more confused now! Had a medium pink line on a first response test, much darker than my superdrug tests then a "not pregnant" on a cb digital! Do u think it's all to do with the sensitivity of the tests? Wish I could have blood tests done, much more accurate! Do you think I should test next week or leave it? I'm still waiting for af to arrive and it's been 5 and a half weeks since my erpc. When will I be out of limbo?! :(

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