when did people get a negative result....

Maybe test again mid week? Or would your docs do a urine test for you? Its only because mine did that they said they'd do blood test (think they'll say anything to a crying woman) think there tests are not as sensitive as a lot of the home ones. I'll be 5 weeks tomorrow since erpc, should get blood test results later (hopefully) but seen as they were taken last thursday can't help but feel they are a bit meaningless now, we'll see.

Don't give up, all will come good soon be that af to show we're getting back on track or a certain bfp - I know the bfp is what your wanting so really do hope that's the case x
How did it go Elliott? I'm finally getting negative tests so think it might be out of my system! Still haven't had a period yet though.
At hospital today for a scan as doc was concerned about how high my hcg levels were from the two blood test they'd done about a week apart. So time to hopefully find out why and if its anything to worry about I guess
My MC began last Saturday (7th December) and I got a negative this morning, 6 days later.
Inconclusive, back sunday for blood tests again. How are you?
I'm ok, having blood tests as I just got a 1 - 2 weeks on a digital test, even my doctor was very confused! Still no period but got cramps, backache, the lot!! Hopefully will know more by Thursday. Haven't been able to log on for ages, it kept saying the website has moved!! Elliot - inconclusive is rubbish, hope you're ok! Xx
Meant to say I had a not pregnant digital test a week ago!
Levels are coming down. She thinks its maybe just taking a while as at 10wks, just over by time I had op, levels would have been high and as mmc as well just body playing catch up. Glad docs are doing tests for you
I was 13 weeks so guess mine would be even higher! How are you feeling? I feel like my periods just about to start every day! Bloating, cramps, back ache.... never wanted a period so much in my life!
Well, had my blood tests back, showed I'm 2-3 weeks pregnant. The doctor isn't sure if this is a new one or old hormones from my mmc. I have to have another test tomorrow to see if the levels have dropped. So confused, can't believe it's a new pregnancy but surely my body would have recovered by now?! Have to wait all weekend for the results too, feels like my life is all about waiting!!
I got a positive hpt today :( still. Fingers crossed for you x
Phoned the doctors and they said my levels are measuring 18, pretty positive it's from the old pregnancy as it would be too low for a new one. Had a blood test today, do you think the results will be here before Christmas Eve? Really don't want to be getting bad news the day before Christmas! :(
Hey ladies, I just want to say I am so sorry you are both going through the torture of a drawn out mmc :( I experienced this back in 2011 and it was just awful. I got my bfp 10th May, found out about my mmc on 20th June (11wks), mc naturally 30th June (13wks), continued to bleed until my erpc op 26th Aug (8wks post mmc), Af returned on 23rd Sept. So in total my mmc took over 25 weeks from my first AF to my post op AF. My hcg levels just before the op was 27 and it was enough to cause all my problems.

I really hope you both get answers very soon and to say there is hope. I found out I was expecting my son on 19th Oct 2011, so my first real cycle after the mmc. Big hugs :hugs: xxxx
WOW, you really went through it kanga! Luckily my erpc was pretty straightforward but there's always the possibility of things being left. I think that's the main thing I'm struggling with is how long it's going on for. Just want to get back to normal! Xx
Sorry you're still waiting Elliot. Are they testing you again soon? Did a digital one today and came up with not pregnant, which considering I had a 1 - 2 weeks the same time last week must mean the hormones are dropping. Will be so happy if I get an under 5 result next week! In fact, although I would've loved to be one of those people who get pregnant straight away after a mc, at least I know I'll have my period soon and trying again! Can't believe we've turned out to be those rare cases you hear about! :( Nothing involving my body is normal!)
I got a pregnant tesr again this morning :( opks are negative now so think levels must be pretty low. Going to try again just hpt next wk and hope it neg, try docs again if not. Sounds like you must be pretty close now, the dragging on really is making it harder
Sorry to hear you're still positive, good idea about going to the docs, mine has been fab! I'm phoning today to see if the results are ready from my test on Friday. I'm starting to have very light brown spotting, but it's really light and not much of it. Hopefully this is my period starting! On top of that, I burnt my hand and had to go to A&E last night! . I'm usually such a positive person so it's hard to feel this rubbish! Sorry if I'm moaning, just not sure of how much more I can take!!
8wks today and I got a neative test. For some reason got upset even though really I know this is a step forward.
I know it's hard, I kept thinking "what if I'm one of those lucky people who get pregnant straight away?!" but actually I'm glad I'm not as it means my body has definitely got rid of everything. It also means you're getting back to normal! I bet you'll start your period soon then you can start afresh! Also we know that when we get a positive, it will be a new one. Here's to an Oct/Nov/Dec baby for us!!! We deserve it!! :)

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