It was 9.00pm on March 12th. I was sat on my nursing chair cos I had been having contractions for days and days and couldn't get comfy at all anywhere... sitting down HURT like hell so had got myself settled on there for a couple of minutes in the bedroom. Had another contraction so had moved, then coughed (I was ill with a cold an cough at the time) and thought I had wee'd myself. Went into the bathroom when I saw a pool of water in my knickers and they had gone through to my PJ bottoms and thought hmmm, I wonder. Got Matt to look and he was sure it was as there was so much and it was just somehow different to wee.
Little did I know at the time that I was in labour. 2 hours later at the hospital when they finally checked me, I found out I was already 6cm
Luke arrived at 3.53am on March 13th
Little did I know at the time that I was in labour. 2 hours later at the hospital when they finally checked me, I found out I was already 6cm

Luke arrived at 3.53am on March 13th