When and where did your waters break?

It was 9.00pm on March 12th. I was sat on my nursing chair cos I had been having contractions for days and days and couldn't get comfy at all anywhere... sitting down HURT like hell so had got myself settled on there for a couple of minutes in the bedroom. Had another contraction so had moved, then coughed (I was ill with a cold an cough at the time) and thought I had wee'd myself. Went into the bathroom when I saw a pool of water in my knickers and they had gone through to my PJ bottoms and thought hmmm, I wonder. Got Matt to look and he was sure it was as there was so much and it was just somehow different to wee.

Little did I know at the time that I was in labour. 2 hours later at the hospital when they finally checked me, I found out I was already 6cm :cheer:

Luke arrived at 3.53am on March 13th :D
Mine went while I was on the toilet :lol: I went for a wee and i knew I'd stopped weeing but there was water trickling out so I put a pad on and phoned the hospital. Contractions started about 2 hours later and Jake was born about 30 hours after that :D
I got mine broke for me. It wasn't very nice, it didn't hurt, just uncomfortable. It was very sudden, a pop and a gush! I was very glad afterwards that my waters hadn't broken in public! :lol:
While brushing my teeth one morning. Labour didnt start for another 17 hours though.
Mine broke while I was in bed and I stood up and it gushed out. I had 2 days of contractions starting about an hour after my waters went and never got past 2cm dilated so I was induced with the hormone drip.

Alicia was finally born 65 hours later.
Mine broke while on the bed in hospital in full labour. I remember freaking out cos my nightie got wet!

My contractions started while sat in wetherspoons. We'd taken my grandfather for lunch just like every other Sunday. After a while I got too uncomfortable & we had to go home. I think he thought we were just trying to get him out of the pub quicker! It was quite fitting with wetherspoons cos thats were me & dh met while working there.
Mine were broken by the midwife when I was induced. I was surprised by how warm it was lol.
i was at home! my OH had just got bk frm camping 3 hours earlier!! i was shocked by how much there was! xxxxx
mine broke when i was 8cm dilated in hospital bed.
they waited just untill OH left the room quickly to phone my parents and the miedwife went out the room todo something...and pop they went, i thought i'd wet myself, i felt really embarressed, then i realied it was my waters, it felt all "silky" it just kept coming and coming... but felt quiet nice! teeheehee

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