When and where did your waters break?

I had just got into bed at 3 in the morning (coz i was playing on the computer :oops: ) as soon as i lay down and turned the light off i felt a huge gush and soaked the bed. That was monday early hours and i didnt get home from hospital til the friday and the sheet that my waters went on was on the floor of the bedroom, OH didnt think it wash it just pulled it off the bed how bad is that lol :twisted:
In bed at 2 in the morning. Just woke up for some reason and got the feeling that something was happening - stood up and there it was :lol:

I never went into labour though and had to be induced.
Mine went in bed too. It was late and I just remember kind of dozing off and hearing and feeling a pop...it was really weird. I woke OH up and asked him to have a look :lol: I was so huge I could barely move and I didn't want to move unless I really had to!

Anyway...I could feel it trickling down my leg so I dragged myself to the toilet and sat there. I managed to catch some in a peepot...I had to look at it just in case it was only wee (you never know do you!?)...it just kept coming and coming and coming!!!

It was still another 47 and a half hours before Evie turned up :roll: :roll:
My waters broke in bed around midnight. I hadn't been able to sleep though as I thought I was having BHs. I stood up (I had one of those waterproof mattress covers) and it all went to our wooden floor (YES, I would have soiled a carpet BIG time had we had one).

So I didn't actually know that I was in labour at that time. LO was born less than 12 hours later.

Good luck :hug:
I was already in early labour but didn't believe it as my contractions were irregular so I was sitting at my desk I fink posting on here was just about to pop out down the road to buy some lunch and then all of a sudden I got a really big contraction and then felt a pop and a massive gush! Thinking about it now was really funny as my I had asked my dad to buy me a computer game to keep me busy through out my last bit of pregnancy and he chose that moment to ring up to tell me he had found it. My Oh answered the call and I remember shouting at my OH to get off the phone and as my waters had broke and all my dad said was oh does she still want that game then? :D That was about 3pm and Jess arrived at 6am the next morning.
Mine have never broken.....they've all had to be broken - minimum i was 7 cms with dd1 and max ds1 they were broke as he was being born
in the hospital waiting room toilets when i was in labour
In bed at 2am. The pop woke me up and I lie there for a minute trying to decide if it was maybe a big kick from baby then I felt a trickle. DH got towel then I waddled to the loo. Never had a gush.
Mine broke in bed just after midnight at exactly 41 weeks & my son was born 2 1/2 hours later. It was my first proper labour sign too, the first contraction came 5 mins after waters went and were 5 mins apart & really intense from the start.

My waters trickled rather than gushed, so I put a pad on straight away and didn't ruin any soft furnishings!
mine were a mystery- i didnt have a waters-breaking moment! :?

they mustve either broken in the shower (i washed my hair at around 9/10am which was 7 hours before my daughter was born) or possibly the birthpool, but i think i remember the MW saying she couldnt feel them when she examined me before i got in, so i assume they went in the shower and i never noticed!
About 2 in the morning, but not a big pop, just a continuous trickle, containable with a pad. went out that day to buy baby stuff and met a friend for lunch before thinking, maybe I should go and see the midwife, she confirmed they'd broken. This was on the wednesday and James didn't appear till the sunday.
I'd been in labour for about 5 or 6 hours by the time the MW broke my waters.. They kept leaking up until I had her! x
In hospital, by the midwife, with the tent peg thing.

Hmm, sounds like a game of Cluedo.
About 8am in bed woke up with a funny feeling, jumped out of bed and it gushed out all over the carpet. Didn't go into labour and 3 days later was induced. And the waters kept leaking out the whole time, not nice! I was 41 weeks
Mine were broken by the MW one push before Kathryn was born. I'd been in labour for hours with lots of strong contractions very close together but I had it so firmly lodged in my head that your waters break before you are in active labour that I thought I was just having very strong latent labour contractions! I didn't really believe I was in labour! f I'd been at home, I would have had Kathryn on the kitchen floor- I would never have made it to hospital! Good job they brought me in to be induced!
Mine broke about an hour and a half before he was born, I'd been in the birthing pool for about an hour and I just felt a pop and like I'd weed a little - I guess it might have felt like a lot less than there was because I was already in water.
Mine went about 1am in the morning as I went to the toilet, sounds stupid but i didn't know if it was my waters or if I couldn't stop weeing :oops:, went through loads of pairs of PJ'S & pants, it was horrible, just kept trickling out all day , everytime I moved, stood up, spoke, coughed, sneezed - oh the joys :) :) - make sure you stock up on maternity pads!!!

Went to hospital & was told to go back the next morning to be induced(39wks).

But started having mild contractions later that afternoon & then by 3am day after waters broke I was in full labour & had Freya at 09:25.

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