When did your waters break?

I went into slow labour on the saturday and my waters broke with a huge pop and gush at 1 am on the following friday and then the really painful and agonising contractions started after about an hour.
mine were broken for me when i was induced. both births.
Mine were broken for me at 4cm as Jessica had turned back to back and things were going very slowly (and very painfully). I had begun dilating 6 days before!
mine were broken for me - i didnt even know until they'd told me they'd done it lol
With Aaron they started leaking on the day I was due to be induced. They fully went in the hospital canteen just before I was about to be put on the drip.

With Tamzin they were broken for me when I was induced.
they started leaking at some point on a sunday morning. i just woke up to a bed full of wet patches. i went to the hospital to get monitored, got another sweep, but was sent home after nothing happened. i was due to get induced on the monday anyway.
I had been in labour for over 24 hours when they popped on their own. I was having an epidural at the time and when I felt a pop and a gush, no-one believed me coz I shouldn't have felt it and I was sitting on absorbant pads which soaked up the waters. It was only when I went back on my back that they had a proper look and finally believed me!
At 2 in the morning when the tens machine was zapping me in my bum :lol:

Made me sit up and gush...

I had been started off the morning before and i had alice at lunchtime the following day.
I was in slow labour and after 2 days of slow labour my waters finally popped with a gush. The contractions got stronger after that (they were very strong before)....
i chose other but only because with my first 6 children they were broke in labour but with this one the went and labour started about 2 hours later :D
i didnt know which one to choose!!

with my 1st baby my waters were broken at the start labour to get things going

with my 2nd baby my waters broke on its own about 30 mins before the 1st contraction

with my 3rd i had my waters broken a few minutes before my little monkey was born because the membrane refused to rupture! :shakehead:
Ist baby, I had them ruptured by the middy just as baby crowned. Second time they ruptured naturally as she crowned.
With both my babies, I lost my waters just before they were born, so was in well established labour. With Tyler they popped about an hour before I had him, with Eden it was only about 10 minutes before she appeared x :hug:
mine went at 18.35(any earlier and i would of been in tescos luckily i had back ache and decided to quit shopping) all over my sofa lol on 21st dec was in full labou for about 3-4hours and had Oliver 7.48am 23rd december!!!!

with the twin it was a section :( so guess you can say they broke them for me lol
I answered for Lola-Maes labour but:

Joseph : had them broke for me while in labour
Dillon : had them broke for me while in labour
Lucy : had them broke for me while in labour
Lola-Mae : they broke before labour, contractions started 7 hours later! Well pains started then but I think I was having mild contractions before then! :D
I had been in latent labour for 2 days, then it all went quiet with nothing happening... then at 2am on the Saturday morning they popped while I was inbed and then Labour was really intense and fast, contractions every 2 minutes immediately after my waters had gone

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