When and where did your waters break?


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Hello mums,

Just wondering how soon before you went into labour did your waters break, where they broke and did you ruin anything (ie bed, chair, carpet??) when they broke.

Im off work with a stinking cold (god i hate the fact we cant take decongestant) so lots of time to think about things like this! You mums will hate it when im on maternity leave! lol

Thanks in advance!!

Claire x
My waters broke when i was in bed, i sneezed and felt a pop. Quickly jumped up (quite a feat considering SPD) and got to the bathroom and sat on the loo.
Dont know how but i didnt ruin anything, and i lost quite a bit of water. Clothes were the only thing got wet.
I then started to have contractions about 2 hours later, which started off like mild period type pains and gradually built up to strong contractions.

I hope you get better soon, there seems to be a hell of a lot of bugs going round at the moment :hug:
Hannah - my waters didnt brake, a nurse broke them for me in the later stages of labour

Emily - They went while i was in bed asleep at about 5am. Wasnt loads of anything, its just kept trickeling for about 18 hours, then labour started propperly and i gave birth about 4 hours later!
With my first i went into labour and they did not break

With my new bubba i started getting cervix pains in the night and water started collecting( lying in bed on my side with my legs closed) which came out when i went to the toilet, then in the morning i got a really painful cervix pain as i was sitting on the chair and felt a contraction/beat like pulsing gush( they finally broke after the leaking). 24 hours later i was still not in labour so i had a repeat c/s
I have no idea!!

I spent alot of my labour in the bath and when they went to pop my waters late on in labour there was nothing there, so they must have gone whilst I was in the bath in the ante-natal ward (there were a few random gross thinks floating about in the water). THat was about 17 hours after the first contrcations. Nothing ruined and no drama at all.

Apparently if they go when you're M&S you get a goody bag!
My waters started leaking with Aaron as I was about to jump in the shower, I suddenly noticed this trickling down my legs. The last bit of them went in the hospital canteen!

Second baby they were broken for me to get labour going
I had mine broke for me each time while in labour!
I'd been in labour for 5 hours by the time the doctor broke my waters.. most uncomfortable experience =[, then i freaked out because i stood up to go to the toilet, gushed all over the floor, the birthing ball, and kept gushing for like.. 10 minutes. x
kadesmummy said:
I'd been in labour for 5 hours by the time the doctor broke my waters.. most uncomfortable experience =[, then i freaked out because i stood up to go to the toilet, gushed all over the floor, the birthing ball, and kept gushing for like.. 10 minutes. x

Aww mine didnt do that! I was expecting a big gush and got a little trickle! Each time! :wall: heee hee I want gush! lol
Mine broke when i was pushing Hayden out..i forgot that they had never broken and when they did and sprayed eveywhere i couldnt stop laughing!
mine have never broken on their own except once when a male consultant gave me an internal and they shot right the way up his arm :oops:
mine went in bed at about 6am stood up and had quite a big gush!! and I had just shampoo'd my bedroom carpet!! but every time a moved, coughed, laughed more came out. At 11pm that night I was 3cm
Mine went in bed, i woke up at 5am with a terrible back ache, got up to go to loo and a bit gushed out! Grabbed a pair of OH pants from the floor stuck them between my legs (lol!) and hobbled to the loo, it kept leaking out bit by bit, had mild achey cramps went into established labour and hospital at 8pm, had him at 1.57 am. I was dreading messing up the bed then having to deal with it when we got home, i had the mattress cover in the next room! But he was 10 days early and my first so i wanst expecting it!
Mine went walking the dogs on the beach-was hilarious, I had a big wet patch of sand under me and it looked like I'd wet myself! My OH told me to run into the sea fully clothed so all of me was wet so nobody would notice! I was laughing so much I couldn't move for about 5 minutes. Didn't have any warning as it happened at 6pm and didn't start getting contractions until about 1am. The only thing that got wet (other than the sand) was my clothes.
About 5 hours in to established labour when MW squeezed my tummy. I was standing at the time over a pad thing and they went over that and the rug. Rug washed fine :)
I was induced. and my waters broke after inserting the second dose of gel. and that was it :)
my waters broke properly (gush) when i was in the bathroom, but i started leaking on the way back from the chip shop.
and i continued leaking till i got to the hospital- the poor seat covers and my clothes!
my waters broke in the hozzie a few seconds before baby pooped out :)
My waters started to go while I was posting on PF...well at least trying to... we had internet problems that day... I heard a clunk, stood up, got a sudden urge to go to the toilet, got there, just in time to have the majority of my waters pour into the toilet. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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