**~~What's on your Mind?~~**

Wish I knew exactly how far along I am. 13 days til my first MW booking appointment so going to be after that I even get my scan :( Hoping I can hear HB with doppler when it arrives :)
Entertaining the mil while DH and fil fit the carpet in the bathroom is no fun when feeling like crap :( just want to curl up in bed and sleep :( xx
Nat is looking forward to a nice, juicy Birthday steak this evening!

is concerned that the weather predicting loaches in the fish tank are going mad and upsetting the other fish. They only do this when there is a change in baromic pressure :?
Had a sudden burst of energy this morning so used it all up cleaning the house lol. Now I'm ready for bed!
I did that on Saturday Frankie ended up sleeping all day yesterday :lol:

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
OH sister is meant to be coming round soon, but cba!! Just want to be a hermit!! x
Why is today dragging so much?? :shock: :shock:

Hurry up 3.30pm!

finally finished my hospital bag just need to remember our chargers for the phones but i suppose oh can pick them up later if there needed just waiting on LO now come on keira whenever your ready :)
finally finished my hospital bag just need to remember our chargers for the phones but i suppose oh can pick them up later if there needed just waiting on LO now come on keira whenever your ready :)

I've stuck a note to the front door with last minute things to remember like charger, hospital notes, keys, cash etc
Is feeling like shit with a virus and the GP and the midwife don't seem to be able to give me any answers.

I also thought my Kindle had broken, luckily it seems to be working again
finally finished my hospital bag just need to remember our chargers for the phones but i suppose oh can pick them up later if there needed just waiting on LO now come on keira whenever your ready :)

I've stuck a note to the front door with last minute things to remember like charger, hospital notes, keys, cash etc

I've done this too, but on the fridge, otherwise I'm bound to forget!! :)

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
Slept much better last night woohoo :)

Midwife coming to my house in a couple of hours to do my birth plan. Feels like a scary prospect!

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