What's Everyone Up To?

Lou said:
valentine said:
Lou said:
OOOO thanks valentine, but can I buy pants and vest with them online ? :think: I'll have a look. thanks matey! :D

Its not really that kind of thing you can buy online - its like mag subscriptions, money off holidays (camping site passes etc so right up your street?), vouchers towards meals out etc. Check out the website, I think you'll really like it.

In my opinion, its worth spending your own money on underwear for Isaac (if you can) and saving up your vouchers for something special since you've got so much. The vouchers are valid for about 2/3 years so you can save them up until you've got a couple of hundred pounds worth towards something really good.

A poster on here (Kina) used to use hers really cleverly and get all the special 1000 extra points that you see for this that and the next thing every time she shopped and used her points to take her family to Florida!

I'll shut up now!

Valentine Xxx

No don't shut up I totally agree! :D Thanks so much for telling me that, we've been talking about taking Isaac to an Sea life/aquarium centre so I'm going to exchange my vouchers for a day out and buy his vest and pants with my own money!

Thanks, you're a star! :D

We usually have enough nectar points to go to Thorpe park each year as I save them for that. :D

This morning I'm going to make bolognaise to freeze, do some washing. This afternoon I might take Connie swimming, see how the weather is.
I was supposed to go to a baby group this morning but I can't be bothered cos its too cold.

There is housework I should be doing but I'm being lazy :shhh: James is at school, Logie having a nap
I should be tidying the house - so might clean the kitchen and perhaps make some cakes but Seren is already starting to screech so I will probably end up going out, might take them to our local farm where they have a fab indoor bit.
OH is off work for a week so he's having a sleep, me and wee man are having a giggle (he's wearing a babygro that says "plop idol") :lol: cleaning out his nursery later, then visiting grannies.....funfunfun :lol:
I have had one of those days since getting out of bed. To start I walked in the kitchen just as George was trying to clean up the porridge he had spilt all down the kitchen worktops then, I spilt a jar of sugar all over the kitchen. I had a doctors appointment at 10.45 for a smear test and when I went to put Sam in the car to go and his car seat was in OH's car in the garage and I couldn't find the keys for his car so I had to leave sam with my next door neighbour while I went :wall:

I was planning on spending the rest of the day cleaning but I really cannot be arsed to now, I am knackered!
I'm about to get ready and take Lu to nursery then pop round to my see my friend who has a baby 6 weeks older than Calum, then it's back to nursery to pick Miss Lu up then we're off to the MIL's for dinner! I should have done the washing up in the kitchen but haven't got round to it yet. :bored:
crashing out on the sofa with lewis and alice :D We went for a short walk earlier, and im suffering a bit now. My pelvis feels crap - i really want to get up and about and it stopping me! still early days.

the MW has already been around (when i was still in bed :oops: ) and done Lewis's heal prick so thats done (not any easier the 2nd time around, esp when his heal is still brusied from all the blood tests he had taken in hospital :( )

Might brouse the internet to do some wedding shopping / ideas.

Re tesco's vouchers - i think if you save x amount each month towards xmas they double it, or give a certain amount back? Im sure thats what i read the other week when i was deciding what to do with mine. :think:
Isaac is having a kip so thought I'd get my post count up :dance:
Lou said:
Isaac is having a kip so thought I'd get my post count up :dance:

Oooo don't I'm on a diet :(

I'd eat that spam man in a second :twisted:


I'm lazing on the sofa while Evie watches BCLC. The alarm on the house opposite has been going off for 42 minutes though which is annoying me now.... :twisted:
Jams drawing and watchin big cook, little cook - iv jus tidied up the kitchen from our bakin adventures lol
Sat in my jim jams trying to make myself get some food but I can't be arsed :shakehead:
ooo... and ive got a beef stew in the slow cooker!! mmmm.........
Jade&Evie said:

I'm lazing on the sofa while Evie watches BCLC. The alarm on the house opposite has been going off for 42 minutes though which is annoying me now.... :twisted:

42 mins, thats very exact?!! are you timing it :rotfl:
ive spent my day cleaning due to not being ableto do any for a week :(
just having lunch then might go make some fairy cakes :D
Sam&Alice said:

I'm lazing on the sofa while Evie watches BCLC. The alarm on the house opposite has been going off for 42 minutes though which is annoying me now.... :twisted:

42 mins, thats very exact?!! are you timing it :rotfl:[/quote:2jctp8pg]

Yup, it's gone off now but anymore than an hour and I would have had to go and sort it out! :talkhand: :rotfl:
Jade they might be being burgled as we speak :lol:
Lou said:
Jade they might be being burgled as we speak :lol:

It goes off about three times a week... one day it'll be a case of the boy who cried wolf! :lol:

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