What would you do?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
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My Mums friends daughter is 21 she has a son called Reese who will be 4 in July, he cannot talk at all and was referred to a speach therepist at his 2 year check but she's only just started taking him but doesn't do his homework with him because she doesn't think there is anything wrong with him. He's still in nappies day and night, she hasn't even tried potty training him even though he is ready because he's always taking his nappy off. From about 3 months he has been fed sweets daily and its now at the point where he will not eat his lunch/dinner, he is so hyperactive (His dad has had problems with being hyper) that he will not sit down and she lets him run around the room whilst his dinner is sitting on the table and 9/10 he will not even touch it yet she will still give him a bowl of sweets to eat after (in this bowl the other day was a full large easter egg!) She wont give him fruit because she doesn't like fruit so wont buy it, he loves apples because he eats them round his Dads house yet if he comes home she throws it away because she said it will break his teeth :wall:
She also has a daughter called Ella who is 6 months old, she started weaning her at 2 and half months because she was still waking in the night :roll: she is being fed the same as her brother complete crap
Both the children sometimes look like they haven't been bathed in days!

What would you do? I know there isn't much I can do and it may be none of my business but all I can think about is them poor kids! :cry:
Get straight onto your local social services department and tell them what you have told us. If they dont think that it needs any attention then they will leave it but it could be that the mum needs some guidance and help in other areas.

You can do this anon and its not like they are going to take the kids away, its just going to be brought to the attention of people in a position to help.

Go on, :hug:
Oh ok I didn't realise you could do that, but yes I will definately. I know some people may object to it but them children are the ones Im thinking about! My Mum spends a good few hours a week visiting her friend and shes constantly coming home telling me how they're being fed with sweets. She even brought Harrison a large dairy milk bar the other day and brought it round my Mums :shock:

Thanks hun :hug:
Dont worry about phoning, its not like you are phoning and saying they are being abused, you just have some concerns. Loads of kids eat sweets and stuff but its the nappies and speech that worries me. Its that this doesnt worry her, that worries me, iykwim.

You wont be doing any harm and it will be totally anon, you can do it over the phone.
Sounds like the mother could do with some guidence and cooking lessons!

Does she not get this support from her mother? does her mother not see what her grandchildren are like?

If the kids areant being bathed then to me that sounds like laziness, and its one thing you cant be when you have children! she probably need a point in the right direction and some straight talking, maybe a kick up the butt from social services will help her.
I think you should report it. Like everyone else has said, it's not like they are being beaten about, and she'll get the help she needs, they will probably get her into that Lifestart scheme thingy :D
It amazes me that things like this are not picked up on at the developmental checks.... :x
That is so so sad :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
I would pick up ALL leaflets you can find on child development and stages and give them to her, also I would certainly report it, not sure who to, but someone needs to step in here and tell her she is mistreating her children, whether intentional or not :(

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