Disruptive home and child


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2007
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Right ladies and the few gents,

Serious hat on now;

A very close friend of mine is going through a messy divorce, she has a 20 month old son, who is adorable and has even started to help mum clean the house (get them while they are young lol).

Anyhow, over the past week, he has become a devil; if he doesn’t get his way, he’ll kick his mum; head butt her and bite her. Last night, she even had a bowl thrown at her. She is a very good mum but the last 3 weeks have been a heavy toll and she is at her witts end. Let me explain why;

Her husband is a heroin addict, however, she left him last year due to this also but he managed to stay clean for 6 months and she thought they could give it another try. However, 3 weeks ago, he started up again; he’d been clean for a year at this point. He throws verbal abuse at her, throws things at the wall and demands her to, basically, be his house maid. Now, she asked him to move out of their rented apartment and he refused, she wanted to go the decent way around this, so he wouldn’t be banned from contacting her or seeing his son. But, he has left her no choice; on Tuesday, she signed a court order, declaring her husband is a drug addict, this will remove him legally from the apartment, social services will investigate him and he will lose his job.

Now, her son has had to face a lot of this. I’ve helped by having him a few times a week but he is very disruptive and not the angel he was before. Unfortunately, his mum is in full time work and can not afford to go part time, due to the wages being rubbish out here and she couldn’t support her son on them.

Is there anyone out there who can give some useful hints and tips on how to break her son out of this behaviour, she doesn’t want to smack him but she is losing her mind!
when my mum and dad got divorced he too became like your friends little boy. He is just feeling confused and wondering what is going on. and this is new to him these feelings and he doesnt know how to handle them.as all of a sudden his dads gone and he's probably worried his mum is going to go too. Does your friend spend a lot of time with him on her own like playing or just spending quality time doing things with him.when shes not working.

hope I kind of helped Thats my take on it anyway,
hope it all works out for your friend.


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