what u get for valentines?

midna said:
We got each other nothing ...and thats the way I like it :D

He told me he loved me a min ago that beats any gift :D :D :D
sod that!!! i want diamonds and plenty of them coz i am worth it :rotfl: , thanks for all my chocs and flowers ladies, but instead of that guy can i have chris barrie in nothing but a bow instead :wink:
Weve not got each other anything as were both skint and decided our money if we had it is better spent on the wedding. :D
MissSara said:
I woke up this morning to a MASSIVE me to you card in a gift wrapped box, its soooo cute it tells a story all the way through it about how special i am to him.... awwww.

And best of all, hes got our 10 week scan pic and made a photo of all four of us in a frame that says " our family " it made me cry my eyes out.... so thoughtful and sweet, bless him xxxx

thats sooo sweet brings a tear to my eye.

DH is at home today cleaning the house for me, we didnt bother with cards or anything this morning as we were in such a rush but i'll see later. Its my birthday tomorrow so i've never really made out like a bandit on valentines day anyway!!!

Cooking us a nice meal tonight and will have a snuggle or two :lol:
We got cards for each other as we're a bit strapped this month, but he secretly broke the "no presents" rule and bought me a rabbit. A quiet buzzing one, not an animal :oops: :oops: :oops:
Richard got me some Elizabeth Arden Green Tea perfume, a beautiful bunch of roses and lillys and a valentine choccie muffin :)
I got a cut and highlights at Toni & Guy, wine and chocolates. OH got heart shaped sarnies for his lunch, bottle of raspberry vodka and a fridge magnet. :)
Well in got a box of hearos, a teddy and a car saying 'sorry no ring' cheers for that :roll:
Littlelady87 said:
Well in got a box of hearos, a teddy and a car saying 'sorry no ring' cheers for that :roll:

I take it you don't mean a car :lol:

I got some carrot, onion and pepper seeds :cheer:

Who says romance is dead :rotfl: :rotfl:
i got a huge bunch of flowers delivered to work :) :)
I got a bunch of roses, a valentine doggie teddy and a card from hubby and a card from my wee girl too (aint she clever?!) :wink:
i got an email of a red squirrel lol! i got him a card with hedgehogs on it.
we dont usually do valentines only last year when i was pregnant i got flowers and a card saying how excited he was about our baby. (aww!)
and that was the only year i wanted anything coz hormones and all that so it was a wise move on his part lol
midna said:
We got each other nothing ...and thats the way I like it :D

He told me he loved me a min ago that beats any gift :D :D :D

Just like me and OH. We tell each other we love each other everyday, don't need some poxy overpriced card to do it for us :D
i got hubby some clothes and chocs, i got a me to you bear (i collect them) and some lindt red choc hearts :)
i didnt get anything, he has not even spent the evening wiv me and he still hasnt come home :shakehead: :cry: :cry: :cry:

i got him a card which i wrote out this morning in bed and gave to him b4 he went to work
my OH sent me 12 roses and a balloon to work yesterday, then last night when i got to his he had bought me a MASSIVE metoyou bear (i love them!!), 2 keyrings, a bottle of champagne and a box of chocis - it was such a lovely suprise!!! :D
Nothing -we don't celebrate Valentines day.
It's much more romantic to receive things like a card saying I love you etc on a completely random day when you're not expecting anything :)
This is what I got from my OH - I'm well pleased. i think it's so sweet of him as he was a bit broke this month. and a card of course. I only gave him a card :oops: but he didn't care, he loved it.

he came home eventually with a really nice card bless him

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