What did we get for Valentines Day??

Alan is still asleep cause he finished work at 5:30 this morning but I went into the kitchen and there was a lovely card, a big bunch of Roses and lillies, some baileys truffles, and a wee fluffy heart pilllow :D

I couldnt think of anything so i just got him something I knew he would use...one of those touch screen remotes that controls everything.....but it hasnt come through yet :cry:
Ooooh HAPPY BIRTHDAY Adele :cheer:

We're not exchanging pressies either - saving our pennies, but tonight he's cooking us a nice meal, then we're gonna cuddle up on the sofa and watch a film - bliss :D
We didnt get eachother anything this year but cards with lovely lil messages inside & i'm cooking us a nice meal later nothing fancy though, Chilli Con Carne Meatballs & Spaghetti :D what the OH has asked for :)
I got a huge cuddly lion and a lovely card with lots of cute pictures and script. Oh and I also got a big bunch of red roses and my IPod should be arriving tomorrow :D
i got sum roses and a teddy and a card, he remembered yeye!!
I got a really nice card with sweet nothings in it plus tickets to go and see the ledgend that is LIONEL RITCHIE!!!! on the 31st March.
I am so excited about the tickets.... front row seats!! I'll be dancin on the ceiling and singin my wee hearty out!!

Hubby also got Arianna a cute valentines outfit... which I will load pics on later.

I got him a yummy meal for when he gets home at 10pm, some cd's and a new pair of shoes - he asked for them!!

S. xx
I got two cards, one of the oh and one off one of my cats Talon. I also got roses delivered to home and he came home with a bunch of flowers and a pot rose plant. I got him a big heart box of thorntons choccies and made him a meal, which turned out pretty good even if i do say so myself :D

The idea was not to spend to much on each other this valentines day as we are going away to a hotel for the weekend instead but looks like we spoilt each other again instead :D

I am now going to finish off a glass of red wine i had with my dinner.

Hope you all have a fab valentines day :D
I got a big box of lush stuff, anne summers goodies ;) and a big buch of roses. :D:D:D
I got up this morning expecting just a card but came downstairs and my daughter gave it away and said mummy theres flowers in the kitchen for u wow lol so think she gave it away but went thro and there was a card chocs and bunch of lovely red roses and we had a chinese tonight yum .
claire81 said:
Are you still busy opening your cards???????? I couldn't get through the door!!!! :rotfl: Yeh right, one man is more than enough!! :lol:
I had a lovely card, in which he wrote some lovely stuff as we have been through so much this past year, so that brought a tear to my eyes, and some lovely pink lillies which i have never seen before and i love flowers!!

What did we all get???????

nothing. valentines day is another scheme to get people to spend money. Bah humbug :rotfl:
I got nothing apart from the card............. so i thought till hubby just came home and handed over £200 to me :shock:
His cheque cleared in the bank today and he said he'd rather give me the money than a gift :cheer:
i got a card some dried flowers and a nice vase and a bottle of wine and a chinese it was nice. im chuffed
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: i got nuttin zilch i had more letters from the bank :rotfl:
girl across the road got 24 red roses a teddy and champagne and she doesnt even know who there from :twisted: :twisted:
budge said:
nothing. valentines day is another scheme to get people to spend money. Bah humbug :rotfl:

I was bah humbugging and told OH not to bother. He didnt listen and got me a bunch of lovely flubbers and a glass bowl thing with like a watery peat in the bottom and a big bunch of parrot tulips, they're gorgeous bless him!

He NEVER gets me a card for anything coz I make them and he says its like giving Picasso one of your kids finger paintings :?
i got loadsa teddies cos i love em, new boots and jacket and im gettin my hair done next week!! :D
i got a huge card and a teddy :)

Oh got nothing as we had agreed not to 'do' valentines this year :doh:
I got a lovely card, a stitch devil teddy, huge bunch of flowers and a heart box of thorntons chocolates hehe. Also got bacon sarnie for breakfast :D I was very spoilt!

I got dh a card, a devil bed warmer, jelly hearts and a chocolate heart. Also made a chicken tikka masala with proper chips and naan bread. That was followed by black forest gateau after he came home from college :D

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