What did you get for valentines day ??

I got a gorg card (that made me cry!) and some chocs, we agreed not to get anything for each other as think its all over rated & would rather save the money :)
Gunna have a takeaway and spend some quality time tonight ;) :D x
So far I have got nothing.

I got him a card yesterday from me and one from the kids. Jessica picked him a stuffed dog and I got him a gift bag with heart shaped sweeties, a heart shaped cookie and a big red candle (joke we love from anchorman).

I also went out today and bought loads of sushi (as we couldnt get to yo-sushi at Sliverburn), a lovely dessert with some heart shaped ramekins, a lovely starter and a nice bottle of wine that he likes.

Maybe he will bring me home something. :think:
Nothing, didn't really expect nothing.

A) We're skint and
B) We don't really do Valentine's Day.

Last year we were just about to move into our first flat together and that was more than enough :cheer:

I did cook him a fry up when he got up today though and he put his arms round me and said "you're the best" which made me feel dead special, and that was enough :dance:

Until he laughed and said a couple of years ago (the V day before he met me, when he was with his ex) they went out and he got drunk and she cried.

He never takes me out :shakehead:

PAH :rotfl:
I got a beautiful bunch of roses and a digital SLR canon camera oh and not forgetting my lovely card - I did really well this year :D
DH made a quick dash to the shops this morning, came home with..

*Dozen Red Roses
*A wee cake that says "i love you"
*HUGE box of thorntons chocolates
*Packet of Babygros

Bless him !!

I forgive him now LOL!
A gorgeous card and 24 red roses :D :D :D I cried my eyes out when they got delivered!

I got him a card and wrote him a poem and I also got him some choccie.

We are very loved up today! :cheer:
well my day started with a box of heroes then a suprise delivery of gorgeous flowers then while he was in the bath with christopher he told me to go and get christopher milk ready as he needed to leave for work....and in the fridge was a gorgeous gift bag..inside was a gorgeous braclet i love it so muh and him too of course :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I got a big heart shaped cushion, packet of love heart sweets lol! and some kinky dice where they say stuff like to lick a body part or something!! We will have some fun with em later....... :wink:
Oh and I had a cup of tea in bed this morning as well as a lie in and a long hot soak in the bath and we went out for a really nice meal earlier with a glass of champagne! Still wondering what I've done to deserve it all!
:( we decided not really to do Valentines as we're totally skint so we made each other a card. OH went to the shops earlier to pick up some milk and a teensy bit of me hoped he'd pick something up for me :( but no luck. And he is at work now.
Ewan got me two VERY gorgeous necklaces!! I am fussy about necklaces but after 5 years of me nagging him about my style he finally got it right!! I love them.
We swapped cards in the morning. Didn't see much of each other during the day unfortunately but come the evening, we made a yummy meal together and watched a film. And then he gave me a back rub which progressed from there into something altogether more pleasurable :wink:
I asked OH to pick my up a new camera lens and I'd give him the money... he got me the posher, more expensive one :D ... we have a house full of chocolate already, cos we don't eat that much, so if he'd have bought more its just a waste of money
I got spoilt rotten!!! OH had a huge bouquet of 12 red roses (and frills) to my work on Friday... everyone made a huge fuss of them! They are gorgeous...

Then yesterday afternoon he took me to Utrect, about an hour away, which is a lovely old fashioned quaint town really pretty. He had arranged a beautiful hotel with a valentines meal included. We went out for some drinks first then had the meal which was fantastic. For starters we had oysters (which i had never tried and were lovely!) then we had steak and followed by champagne ice-cream sorbet with chocolate sauce. Each course was served with a different wine to compliment the course we were eating at the time and each wine explained in detail! It was top!

The room was fantastic with a HUGE soft bed which you just sank into and french windows and lovely decor. It was truly amazing! We had breakfast this morning which had an extensive continental menu and then drove home.

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