What pain releif and why??


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2011
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im planning to have as natural birth as possible, but wondered what you ladies were planning and why?

i had an epidural with my first and thought never again as it stopped my contractions and slowed every bit of labour i couldnt feel when to push and was exhusted after

with my second i had a shot of pethedine and had a fast labour pushing was so much easier when i could feel when to push x but my daughters heartrate dropped and they were like you have to get this baby out now! and i dont know if it was the effect of the pethedine that did it x

obviously if im in pain ill probably be screaming for everything lol
Im just going into it with an open mind. Will start on gas and air and see from there. After my ante natal the other night I dont much like the sound of pethidine.... never realised it was actually less effective than gas and air, always thought it was stronger. Im also put off the epidural a bit but tbh if things get too much I will have one.
i tried gas and air with my son but it made me feel sick, dont know if ill try it again x x the pethedine was great i felt drunk lol
Im going for as natural as possible. Tens machine and birthing ball. Possibly gas and air but thats all i want.

the ante natal class say not to come in unless im having contractions 3-5 mins apart. so if i can go that long with nothing ill try and keep a strong mind that i can keep on doing it. (easier said than done and to be honest im pretty naive as its my first)

I dont want pethadine because it goes into the babies system and i dont want an epidural because i dont want a needle in my back and my sisters had them and they get really bad backs since then.

I've had gas and air with all 3 of mine and screamed for pethidine just before I delivered so never took effect really !! Was about to ask for epi with Rhea but think that was because I was on the induction drip but just as I was to ask started getting pressure and delivered. Have always said I would c how I felt though !! Xxx
I have no idea so watching this thread with interest! Got my first class on Saturday so assume I'll learn about it all then :)
I am going with an open mind cos I have no idea how I will cope x

I am going with an open mind cos I have no idea how I will cope x

Exactly my plan! I'm more likely to have a list of what I don't want as apoosed to how I want my birth to go.
I would like as natural as poss but keeping my options wiiiiide open lol x
I am attending Hypnobirthing classes so planning to just cope with gas and air and relaxation - after my antenatal class last night I am toying with the idea of a home birth cause the thought of going to hospital fills me with dread.
I really don't know - I thought I would be happy to have anything and everything esp. and epidural but as I'm getting closer and thinking about it more realistically, I don't know if I do want one after all. I think I'm the same and just wanting to go in with an open mind...
I went in with an open mind too, was just using gas and air for most of it but had to go for an epidural towards the end as Jacob was back to back and the pain just got awful, then when it came to pushing because he was back to back he also got stuck and the epidural didn't last long and the pain got terrible that I had no control any more ended up having a spinal block when they rushed me into the hospital theater as they thought I might have to have a C section but in the end they just did a Ventouse.

The funny bit I remember is looking up at hubby when I was pretty much in another world and seeing him in blue scrubs looking like the doctors out of Greys Anatomy lol

It doesn't seem that my hospital actually offer diamorphine as an option I found out this week. I'm crap on morphine anyway so it wouldn't have been an option for me. From what they say about pethedine as well I'm now concerned about how it would affect the baby :eh:
I wanted only gas and air but would accept an epi if I felt I needed it. I decided I would ask for an epi when I was in there but they refused me everything except pethidine so I accepted it. I wont be having it again as I believe it contributed to my babys heart rate dropping. I ended up with a section but was pushing with no pain relief (Id had the pethidine hours before) and it was fine. I wont use anything except water and tens next time.
diamorphine is this not the medical name for heroin???
Im a bit confused about this too - i've not done this before - how the heck am i supposed to know how much its gonna hurt. lol.

Im aiming to go to a birthing unit - going for a nosey round on thurs - so i guess that means and epi is out of the question, but apart from that im lost. lol
It doesn't seem that my hospital actually offer diamorphine as an option I found out this week. I'm crap on morphine anyway so it wouldn't have been an option for me. From what they say about pethedine as well I'm now concerned about how it would affect the baby :eh:

We had our class today and our midwife said they no longer use 'pethedine' they use I think some sort of version of it beginning with m (sorry I'm crap at these things!) and basically it doesn't cross over into the baby and just affects mum and not baby, if that makes sense (not great with the medical stuff!) I've warmed a bit more to the idea but still not thrilled with the pain relief options lol!


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