What pain relief ?


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2007
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Hey girls, :wave:

Just wondering what you are all planning to do for pain relief.

At first I was planing to go with a water birth, and then move on to gas and air before moving on to the harder stuff.

I am now considering demanding an epidural as early as possible.

I am a real wimp when it come to pain. :cry:
:wave: Epi-doodle all the way.

I'm not brave....and you get no prizes :(
I want to avoid an epidural if I can as it might lead to further interventions and also pethidine/morphine as they pass to the baby

We will see when the time comes though :?
I planned it ALL! Barely had any - a few puffs of gas and air which made me feel sleepy! lol You can honestly put up with more than you think.
well i planned to have everything going but when it came round to it i didnt want anything, just a few paracetamol at the start, you will be suprised how well you can cope.
.... I'm going to use the birthing pool with gas and air and when I can't stand it I'll go for pethidine...

and if it's mega bad I'll beg the docs for an epidural...apparently cos I'm on blood thinning drugs it's down to the anaethetist (sp?) on the day as some will administer it and some won't at my hospital so I'll have to wait and see
I am planning to have a waterbirth with gas and air. I had an epidural with my first and it ended in c-section (I am convinced the epidural is to blame lol) and with my 2nd I had pethidine.

I really don't think they should have given it to me as it happened so quick that it didn't have time to wear off and Harry had to be resusitated (sp). So I am going to avoid both......easier said than done!!
I know its early but i have written my birth plan in 5 words....
dunno... they don't have gas and air here... and they are not birthing pools, but relaxation pools... I would love to have a water birth but they will whip me out of there and make me do the last most painful bit on my own, by which point it will be too late for an epi and pethidine and as I said, theres no gas and air.. Apparently there is a risk of the baby drowning if born in the pool :roll: :roll: :roll: I know, I know...its utter hogwash, but unfortunately its a risk the Spanish NHS is unwilling to take. Mind you I should count myself lucky, our local hospital is one of the first in the country to introduce pools.. :think:

Or I go in like I did with Tia and just demand an epi from the moment I arrive. I never had any intervention with Tia...and tbh, the epi saved both mine and DD's live because I was constantly monitored... When she started to go into distress, they managed to get all the necessary staff ready.... it also galvanised me into pushing as hard as I could to save her life. Also after when I started bleeding because the placenta wasn't moving, I was able to get a place in theatre quicker because the spinal was already in place :)

I think I am going to wait and see tbh.. I'm going to be at home for as long as possible and only go to hospital when I really need too... :D As I tell all first time mums... never count your chickens until they hatch or in labour terms, never decide for definite what you will do during your labour because you will never know how it pans out... :)
i wanted a water birth , but when i got in i hated it.
i didnt want an epidual but i was sreaming for one ( i didnt have one though)
gas and air got me through :)
I'm gonna try for a water birth again. That and gas and air
Hey girls :wave:

Well I wanted a water birth with gas and air, but because of being induced had to stay on the bloody bed and had an epidural due to the intensity of the contractions brought on my the sytocynin :(

Next baby I have im demanding an epidural the moment my big toe touches the hospital grounds :rotfl:
with my daughter i just had gas and air but had to be taken to theartre after to have my placenta removed :( this time i am 13 years older and 13 years more of a wimp so anything goes :D at the moment i am cacking myself and dreaming of a painfree quickbirth however that can be achieved :D
well im hoping for nothing... with or without the birthing pool...

i had pethidine with charlotte.. coz i labored through the night and i think the mw wanted peace.. didnt really work for me tbh.. just made me relax...and gas and air.. but im hoping this time to do without it .. even though its great.. it does make you tired...however.. feeling drunk.. with no hangover or cost... does have its appealing side :) lol...
hopefully birthing pool and maybe gas n air. My natal hypnotherapy cd arrived yesterday, so i'm really hoping that will raise my pain threshold or at least my ability to cope with the pain.
I didn't have anything with my second, and was fine until I went in to transition!
I'm hoping for a spinal block! But hey! I am having a section ! :rotfl:
Im not deciding until the day, but im not ruling anything out. Will try gas and air and maybe pethidine and see how it goes
Epidural definitely! I had one with Harry and it was magical.
I think it's all down to your attitude towards it. If you can remain calm, you will deal with the pain better. If you start to panic, it just exaserbates the pain. Go planning on gas and air and if you can't cope with the pain, have something stronger. As someone said, you don't win any prizes for having a drug free birth.

My older sister who is the biggest titty baby I know, with the pain threshold of a four year old has popped three nine pounders out with gas and air!!
I'm planning to go to a midwife led unit, so no epidural available (!!!) unless I transfer to another hospital mid-way through labour (yeah right!)

However, they have a nice pool which is hardly ever used, so I'm banking on that to do the trick. Have also been doing loads of yoga to help me with managing the pain through breathing techniques.

Not keen on pethedine as it is seems to have more of a sedative effect, rather than pain relief, plus your baby can be really drowsy..and I would hate for that precious first hour or two with baby to be filled up with hospital stuff, rather than having a nice cuddle!

Thats assuming all OK with the baby,in the right position, etc. If there are any complications at all, I'm going to book myself into the hospital labour ward and use an epidural if I need it!

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