Its up to you hunny
everyone of us as varing ideas about what we want for the birht of our child
if you feel you need it when the time comes then go for it
im presonaly going to try and steer clear of it but thats me personaly
im a wuss, but whos to say once in labour i dont change my mind

we all have diffrent things we want, need and views
but we respect you decisions as thier right for you
so if you want to have the epiduaral then you do it
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
sarah :wave:
maldives said:
:shock: GOD this is getting really scary i've been changing my mind since i have posted this thread. i feel like crying now. don't know what to do :cry: I know i should and will talk this through with my GP but thought of discussing it with u all to get an idea of what other pregnant women think and plan and ur experincies if u already have babies.
Im not a big fan of pain but i am worried worried worried things might go wrong with an epidural!!

Don't be scared :hug:

I think you really need to talk to your MW and attend the ante natal class on labour/birth to get a good understanding and talk to other mums to be etc. And take up the tour of the maternity unit and so on when the time comes. Also if need be ask to talk to someone (doctor or consultant) about pain relief options etc. I'm doing that at 34 weeks.

Keep an open mind. Try for other methods of pain relief but if you need an epidural then consider it. I think the percentage of serious problems stemming from epidural are tiny when you consider how many are done.
I agree with what everyone else has said, keep an open mind. You won't know what the pain is going to be like until it happens, every labour is different.

Sherlocks idea of attending an antenatal class on pain relief is a good idea. I went to one and the midwife went through the pros and cons of each method of pain relief. Knowledge is power! :D
maldives said:
:shock: GOD this is getting really scary i've been changing my mind since i have posted this thread. i feel like crying now. don't know what to do :cry: I know i should and will talk this through with my GP but thought of discussing it with u all to get an idea of what other pregnant women think and plan and ur experincies if u already have babies.
Im not a big fan of pain but i am worried worried worried things might go wrong with an epidural!!

Don't get upset over it :hug: It is a manageable pain and some women can do it without pain relief just be open to pain relief if you need it. TBH I was the same before Jack, could not stand the thought of Epidural, scared shit out of me. But it is fairly safe. Like I said before I didn't get it in end. I was insistent during labour not to have pethidine cos I didn't like sound of it. Just have a look at all optiong. You thought about water birth? :hug:
I can relate to so many things people have said on here!

I said in my plan and to the Midwives when I was 7 hours into my labour that I wanted to avoid Pethidine and an Epidural if possible, about 15 minutes later I was told they were 'GOING to give me a shot of Pethidine.' Because I'm a pushover I just had it..I felt they gave me no choice but I could have said no if I'd had the courage. 12 hours later and 3cms dialated I had only been having Co-Codomol, then an Epidural was suggested..I had a back to back baby and was really tired after having no sleep for 27 hours so I had one. I was very unlucky in that it only worked on my left side, and could still feel excruciating contractions on my right side. I was VERY unlucky..Epi's can be re-sited, and for some reason (No matter how much I begged and screamed :lol: ) They wouldn't do it. It was only when the Midwives changed shifts and my new Midwife saw what a state I was in, that Gas and Air was offered. And it was fab stuff, it really was..I stopped screaming after that and even though the contractions still hurt, it was a great distraction.

You can't decide what you're going or not going to have now, you can only go in with an open mind. I advise you to try and think of an Epidural as a last resort, and not rule it out completely.
Don't get upset over it :hug: It is a manageable pain and some women can do it without pain relief just be open to pain relief if you need it. TBH I was the same before Jack, could not stand the thought of Epidural, scared sh*t out of me. But it is fairly safe. Like I said before I didn't get it in end. I was insistent during labour not to have pethidine cos I didn't like sound of it. Just have a look at all optiong. You thought about water birth? :hug:[/quote]

I can't imagine my self having a water birth. i know its absolutely safe for the baby but something in my mind keeps telling me it's not safe :think:
I said that first time round and I ended up having everything!

Good luck though :hug:
just wait until you are there and then decide- your body will tell you what to do. I don't personally see the fuss about epidural needles- it's only the same size as having your belly pierced and they do numb the area first!

I'm going to have everything they offer me... after 9 months of sobriety I will be asking for a doggy bag to take home with me!!!
At the end of the day its your birth and your choice, no one else needs to back you up in your decision, i was like you i wanted no pain releif and ended up having my kids (both 8lb 12) with no pain releif at all. My daughter i used the birth pool and my son i delivered him in theatre (they wanted to do a cesarean) but i pushed him out before they got the chance and had had no pain releif then either.

I am proud of myself for this but there is no award for struggling, so go with what feels right. You wont know until the time comes how you will cope.

Good luck and i hope you get your pain relief free birth.... :cheer:
^^ I agree, of course keep an open mind and you've already said you will, but there is nothing wrong with wanting a natural birth and you have a good chance of getting that. Your body knows what to do, women's bodies have been doing this for ever. I know many, many women who have had their natural birth exactly how they wanted it, it's not a rare occurrence.

That said, of course there is nothing wrong if it all ends up not going to plan, or if you change your mind and decide to have something for the pain. :hug: :hug:
Just keep an open mind and try not to plan too much. I planned my birth exactly how I wanted it to go and it was nothing like I had planned :lol: I was very close minded with my first and wanted no pain relief but I had pretty much everything including an epidural which was amazing can I add! Ended up with a c section which I am glad I had the epidural for or I wouldn't have seen my son be born. Just wait until your in labour and see how it goes, you don't know how you'll cope until that point so don't worry hun :D :hug: This time round I am hoping for a vbac but I'm open to however it turns out!
I really respect your decision, its your experiance and totally up to you.
But i would like to add, with my son i didn't make a birth plan and i was not aware of anything that was going to happen at all, in fact i was young childish and thought i new it all when i new nothing.

Anyway I had a 27 hour labour with NO pain relief and i loved every minute of it, i was a tiny tiny 17 year old and my son weighed 8lb 3.5oz. Yeah the times get tough and some of the time when it was to late i asked for everything, but i'm so happy i experianced a natural birth.

This time how ever i will be making a birth plan but i am staying totally open minded and taking every minute and hour as it comes, no one can predict how we will deal with the pain and what will happen.

All the best on what ever you decided hun.
Every baby is different and it's best to keep an open mind. I only had gass and air with both of mine but I don't think I would have managed without it. The only thing I will refuse to have under any circumstances this time is pethidine - but that is because my baby already has compromised lungs and will need to be as alert as possible when she is born.
maldives said:
I can't imagine my self having a water birth. i know its absolutely safe for the baby but something in my mind keeps telling me it's not safe :think:

I wasn't keen on using water to help me labour and possibly deliver into but it appears to be a great pain reliever (suuports your body mass and relaxes things) and is also a really good way to deliver baby into the world. Baby will be attached to the umbilical cord and will still be using your body for breathing until they reach the surface. Apparently its felt to be much kinder and easier on a newborn being born into water. Less stressful for both mother and baby.

I really do think you need to read up on things more and talk to professionals who are used to dealing with pain relief and also waterbirths so they can explain to you the pros and cons.

I've done both and am entirely happy that using a birthpool as pain relief is a good way to go if I want to avoid medical methods and birth at home. Even if its only used to help labour and I deliver outside of the pool, that will still make a huge difference.
maldives said:
I can't imagine my self having a water birth. i know its absolutely safe for the baby but something in my mind keeps telling me it's not safe :think:

If you don't want to birth in the pool you could always consider using it just for pain relief then when you feel ready to push you could get out for that part? Just an idea as it could help with the pain without you having to have any pain relief iykwim. I didn't get mine BTW, I wanted waterbirth then panicked about how much pain I was in and wouldn't get in :rotfl: Def next time though. Just read as much as you can, speak to professionals about your options and only do what your happy with. :hug:
Im not ruling anything out

Plan to use gas and air but i dont know how ill feel so...
I went to the hospital with my birth plan in hand! Water birth, Gas and air, and if things got too much then I would consider pethidine and even an epidural.
Well things dont always go to plan, and I ended up having everything I could get! The baby was in a bad position and even the epidural didnt help stop the pain. I could still feel pain in my bum. I ended up having a C section.

I guess what I am trying to say is that what ever you decide you can change your mind!

Lots of luck


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