Pain Relief?

Try and keep an open mind.

My waters broke early with my first, I was induced a few days later. I had the tens machine and was on a syntocin drip & antibotic drip after 12 hours the pain started to get more difficult to cope with. I was stuck on the bed due to being monitored and the drips.

The only option I had was for pethidine at that point. As far as they were concerned I wasn't in established labour and I wasn't going to be examined again for another several hours so it was pethidine or nothing.

I have to say it worked fabulously for me.

After another 5 hours or so I was examined and was 6cm so was able to have the gas and air too. I had another pethidine injection at that point. That was all the pain relief I had and it really controlled the pain.

Baby was fine, not particularly sleepy.

Don't rule anything out is the best advice I can give.
DS1 I had Tens, then got into the birthing pool and used Gas and Air for about an hour, then I had nothing right up until delivery. (I delivered in the pool)

DS2 I had Tens, then gas and air and that was it.

Both times I went in with an open mind, but KNEW that I did not want, no matter how much I screamed for it, :lol: an epidural :lol: I even wrote on my Birth plans that no matter how much I asked for it, I DID NOT want an epidural. :lol:

Every Birth is different, so what you have for 1, may not be sufficient for another. I found the Water Birth with DS1 the least painful.

This time I'm having a Section, so they can give me what they like :lol: :lol:
See, it doesn't bother me in the slightest whether I have every form of pain relief available or nothing at all. I won't be walking out of the hospital with my daughter feeling any disappointment or anything, I'm sure of it.

I personally am keeping my options open. I can't even say "if I can go without/just gas & air then great!" because that's not actually how I feel. :think:

At the same time, when I hear women say that they'd prefer to go as natural as possible, although I don't think in the same way, I'd always support it and hope they are able to do it!


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