What pain relief ?

I want to try the birthing pool - plan to spend as much time in water as possible & then gas & air.

I don't want to have an epidural.
I had paracetamol, bath, gas and air, then transferred to birth pool still on the gas and air :) Would recommend it.
ella said:
Im not deciding until the day, but im not ruling anything out. Will try gas and air and maybe pethidine and see how it goes

I think that is the way to go - you never know what's going to happen.

My MW massaged my back during contractions and that was heaven.
as natural as possible but i'm not ruling anything out!!
Thanks girls. :hug:
Glad I'm not the only one that's a bit wimpish when it comes to pain. xx
I just had gas & air. It worked really well when I was about 3-4cm but because I was induced the conractions came really strong and fast, but by the time they'd got the pethidine sorted out it was too late to use it! I practically swallowed the mouthpiece lol...it took the edge off those last big contractions but it did make me feel a bit sick and I had a dry throat, and I felt really out of it when they gave me LO, which I regret.
I thought about requesting an epidural for the next one but I fancy a home birth - at least I know I can cope with it now lol :D
I have decided that when i go in to labour i will have what i feel like i need at the time.
hannah_1993 said:
I have decided that when i go in to labour i will have what i feel like i need at the time.
that is the best way! Keep an open mind and take what you need at the time!

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