What have you done to TTC?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2010
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Hi ladies

I'm wondering what measures you have put in place to try and conceive. I'm at apoint where I'm thinking that perhaps I need to buy something or do something that I am not doing yet to help things progress.

I'd be interested to hear if you are following a diet or taking a supplement, with a brief explanation of why you have chosen that method and how you feel it will help?

Much appreciated :lol:
When I was ttc, I used cheap ovulation sticks and ate a little better I wasn't trying for long so I didnt do anything more than that but I do know some girls will have fab answers for you x
I'm using opks, preseed, pregnancy vitamins, grapefruit juice, alkaline food, epo last month, beetroot juice. I'll give anything a go to get our bfp x
I'm eating 80% alkaline food, drink 2 litres of water, drink grapefruit juice, beetroot juice, organic home made carrot soup.
Every day I make kale, spinach, kiwi smoothies. Organic pea protein, vitamin C,D,B complex, zinc.
Pre-seed and conceive plus gels. x
Hubby and I are on his and her conception vitamins and I use cheapie opks to check ov.

I've done all sorts previously- preseed, conceive plus, grapefruit juice, raspberry leaf tea, sticking a pillow under my arse etc but I've fallen pregnant three times now and each time it's when we've just taken vits and dtd.

I've been trying to eat well and drink plenty of water but that's just because I want to try and be healthier not necessarily ttc related. I've switched to decaf coffee too. I obviously went into decaf when I first fell pregnant and I've just stayed on it.

I take the effectiveness of all these supplements, drinks, foods etc with a pinch of salt. I think it's down to mother nature and luck!! Other than opks and the ttc vitamins, I'll not be doing anything else. That's what's worked three times before, so that's what I'm sticking with!


OPK's, cheap and digi, monitoring CM, and this month I'm going to take Agnus Castus and chart BBT :) x
I have done all sorts. OPKs, EPO, maca, grapefruit juice, smep, I tried bbt but I was rubbish at taking it, I bought a fertility bracelet (anything is worth a shot) and now I am trying to lose some weight.

I had day 25 bloods at the hospital this morning so fx things are moving in the right direction.

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