What happens next?


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2010
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HI girls,

I was just looking for some advice if any of you could help please :pray:

I had a medically managned miscarriage on the 2nd August I was 9wks pregnant, the nurse told me that everything had come away in one go. I was told that they did appt. to go back but I had to do a pregnancy test 3 wks later if it was negative then thats it but if its postive to ring the early pregnancy unit & I would be given an appt. within 24hrs to be seen, but she was 100% confident I would get a negative. I was still bleeding 17days later (last thurs) so I spoke to my gp (who hadn't even been told by the hopsital that I'd had a mc!!) who gave me antibiotics & said if I'm still bleeding this week to go & see him. So I did a HPT on tuesday as I was told to by the hospital & got a POSITIVE result, I phoned the hospital & spoke to a nurse who was shocked that I hadnt been given an appt for a check up, & the earliest they could see me is tomorrow morning - 48hrs later! I asked the nurse what would happen as I hadnt been given information at all & she said I will have an internal scan to check if there's anything there but thats all she said.

I was just wondering if any of you could give me some idea what will happen after that? I've figured that if they find anything I will need a D&C but if theres nothing there, will they do anything? I'm still bleeding on/off throughout the day & its now day 22.
If u are going to the early pregnancy unit they will probably ask u about the bleeding and give u an internal scan to check everything is ok. As for what happens after depends on ur epu, mine were useless and kept me hanging on for 9 weeks now. I had a scan 4 days post mc and was told therevwas still some pregnancy sac re ain't but should come out on it's own as I was still bleeding. Then I had a scan 4 weeks post mc, as still bleeding was told there was a thicken womb lining and possibly some tissue remaining. I had a third scan on Monday 9 weeks since I first saw them and was told about the mmc. This was cd54 and I still had some tissue remaining and still bleeding. They still left me until I phoned up on tuesday and cried down the phone to them and now I am possibly having dnc on Friday o nex week.

S the point of my rant is if they give u an internal and there is stuff remaining please don't me like me and keep getting fibbed off by them please please push for some help or a dnc. Best of luck Hun :hugs: xx
aww hunni thats awful that they are being such a pain. I already have it in my head that if there is anything there I'm going to push to have d&c soon as I had to wait 7days after finding out our baby had died before I could have the medical management & it was awful being sick constantly when you know there isnt really any reason anymore. I just want it all over with now :( thank you for your advice hunni xx
I can't believe how sh*te some of these services are. I agree with Kanga, don't let it drag on. I stopped bleeding 10 days after my medical management but was scheduled for a scan at 4weeks post mmc anyway. They should have given you prophylactic antibiotics with the mc medicines too, I was dosed up to the eyeballs! You just have not take any crap from them, insist on what you want unless they can give you a reason you are happy with to do otherwise. so sorry you are going throughthis hun
I was given antibiotics to start with the first oral tablet you have which I took for a week, as well as another internal antibiotic while at the hospital, but I was still bleeding 17days later so my gp gave me co- amoxiclav as a precaution which finish in the morning - im sick of taking antibiotics :(
i would say that for 3 weeks later still bleeding and a positive hpt probably there is still sth there that secrets hcg...what hpt did you do? a digital one or a cheapie one?
i was bleeding for 15 days after a d&c, got a negative digital hpt but i was getting very very faint lines on a cheapie until around CD 25.
i hope you will get some answers tomorrow and you will get shorted soon :hug:
Why are hospitals so f*****g useless, I'm seriously thinking of logging a complaint!!

Arrived at the hospital to have the internal scan & got very upset & tearful while waiting as the EPU is in the same place as where I went for heart monitoring on Ava so sitting there brought back all the memories :cry:,I got called into have the scan done & the nurse very cheerfully asks me 'how many weeks pregnant are you? :wall2:So I had to explain all the miscarriage & how I'm still bleeding & got a STRONG postive HPT (CLEARBLUE). So she starts doing the scan & asks if this is my first pregnancy, so have to explain my previous miscarriage & all about losing Ava :shakehead: It turns out there is still a piece of tissue left inside & she explained that due to everything I've alredy been through & the fact that I've already had medical management they would probably do a D&C, so she takes us to a side room to wait for a consultant to come & speak to us.

An hour later the nurse came past & noticed we were still there. so we explained that no one had been to see us at all so she very kindly went to find out what was happening. Another 20mins later the consultant came in. She knew NOTHING about me except that I've had my tonsils removed as all my maternity notes are still the other hospital where I had the medical management 3 WEEKS AGO!!! so I have to go through everything again with her - miscarriage 5yrs ago. losing Ava at 35wks via emergency section, losing this baby & having medical managemnt, having antibiotics off my GP due to still bleeding ( & having to explain to him that I'd had a miscarriage as the hospital still hadn't informed him!!) Apparnently the piece of tissue is 0.2cm smaller than they like to do a D&C for :oooo: so she did an internal examination & was going to try & get it out but the neck of the womb has closed, she has taken 2 swabs to check for any infection & bloods to check if I'm aneamic from all the blood loss :roll: She decided that I should have a second attempt at medical managemnt to see if will come out (which I did yesturday afternoon) & I have to go back in 2 weeks for another scan. I am so annoyed of being messed around- surely losing 2 babies in 8months is hard enough without having to go through all this extra crap with it :shakehead:

I had to phone the EPU again this morning as there has been nothing since the treatment started - no cramps, no bleeding except what I've normally had for the last 10days, to be told that it can take 24/48hrs to work as I wasn't given the oral tablet to take first :dohh: WHY DIDN'T THEY TELL ME THAT YESTURDAY?????? I've been told to wait 48hrs & if nothing happens to call the again next week - which will be 4days later as even though the ward is open the outpatients bit isnt open until tuesday! I honestly feel like screaming - sorry this has turned into a bit of a rant :blush:

I've decided to go see my GP this afternoon to speak to him - it'll be another month or so before he finds out whats happening now otherwise :roll:
oh dear... poor you :hug:

i would go for the d&c, because dragging the things more dosent do any good. kanga is also having a d&c today after she was left bleeding 8 weeks waiting for the last piece of tissue to come out....
i hope the one way or the other they will short you out soon :hug:
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oh big :hug: what a rubbish set of people to be dealing with, communication seems to be zero round there. No wonder you needed to rant! Hope you've got something nice happening over the weekend! xxx
Thanks girlies :hugs:

So far there still hasnt been anything - the loss is no different to what it has been (just dark brown on wiping - TMI sorry) & today seems to be less than usual so looks like I'm going to be ringing them in the morning to see if this is to be expected or if I should be bleeding more :roll: How much longer dies this have to go on for?
Hi P1nk11
I'm so sorry sweetie, if you want to have a chat then you can pm anytime. xx
That is shocking! I would lodge a comlaint! Big hugs honey, hope you get sorted out!
Thats shocking hun, you should def complain about that, as if you havnt been through enough.

Hope you are ok. :hugs: xxxx
Just when I think things are finally going to come to an end I get a phonecall from my midwife saying she has my blood result & I need to make an appt to see her next week, so I've made an appt. for Monday. First I just thought it was the results for the blood I had taken last thursday at the EPU but I started thinking - why would they send them to my midwife, surely they would just ring me to go in or send them to my doctor as the midwife has nothing to do with me now! So I spent ages thinking this over & then it hit, I would of been 15wks monday which is when she said to go back to see her for the blood results I had taken at my booking in appt - 10 WEEKS AGO!! If this is the case it obviously means that she hasnt been told about the miscarriage either so I'm going to have to go & sit in a waiting room with pregnant women & then have to go through the whole things again :( I will definately be making a complaint if she hasnt been informed, I mean if everything had worked the first time & the bleeding had stopped when it should have ect this phonecall would be totally unexpected & out of the blue - it really is getting ridiculous now.

Sorry for the rant but just getting so angry & fed up of the whole things :(
So sorry hun, the lack of communication is awful :hugs: x
Hey Hun, my midwife wasn't told either. I text her about 4 weeks after my mc and told her. Maybe u should phone her up again and ask her about the purpose of the appointment. So sorry u are going through this :hugs: xx

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