What happens next?

Thanks. I'll contact the docs next week to tell them how I've got on, I guess they may want to scan to check its all gone. Just had a large piece of whatever it is come out (tmi alert again!!) and when I sat on the loo it was on my pad like a massive piece of liver. Bleurgh!!! Kinda felt good tho to see something substantial start to come out. Sounds a bit weird and I know others would find it distressing but it's almost a relief. Since getting the negative tests I just knew something wasn't right so I kinda just think 'right, lets get this all out so we can start again'. Xx
Was back to work today after a week off lay in bed. Bleeding pretty much stopped yesterday. So far I've been fairly ok and not had too many tears and have been thinking positively about TTc again but today I just feel shite. Being back to normal has felt horrible. It's like nothing ever happened and I just desperately want to be pregnant again. It took over 2 years to conceive and I just dread it taking that long again. I feel totally empty and emotionally drained and I want to lock myself away from the real world. I can't imagine how I'm going to get through this week. And everywhere I look friends are announcing births, pregnancies, scan photos etc and I'm really happy for them but it really doesn't help with the grief. Xx
Hi cornishfairy, i'm going through the same reality check & finding it hard to adjust. As most ppl didnt know it is hard to act like everything is 'normal' as well as changing all excited hopes about the future to an uncertainty looming on the horizon.

I am trying to think of all the things that i did to make ttc a success (not as long as you but it took us 14 or so cycles) and concentrating on getting healthy to give it the best chance of success asap.

I wish i could offer words of comfort, the best i can do is a virtual hug :hug: and an empathetic ear to hear out all your frustrations if you want.

Wishing you the very best xxx
i also know exactly what ur going through and echo tinsels words i am here with a gd ear and can totaly relate and if either of u want to add me on facebook my name is joanne jo honeyman pici is my little girl as its easier to chat on there :-),it took me a whole year to concieve after last mc and i realy hope im not waiting that long again due to my age :-/,i feel so empty now and such a failure and think my body is just crap atm i know its given me 6 beautifull childdren but its also taken 3 away from me :-(.i dont know how i am going to feel after tomoro probably lost empty and well just at a loss realy, i am also terrified of wat will i think if i do fall again how will i cope infact will i cope with the stress of it all i think i may just block it out and not even test or something god its a mega roller coaster of emotions im on atm i realy need a gd drink i do,well anyways im here for a chat anytime for either of you take care and here is to our future bfps :-) xxxx
Aww jojo. You're not a failure. 6 children is an amazing achievement! So sad that you have had to suffer 3 losses though. I can't imagine how that must feel. This one has really taken the wind out my sails. Tinselcat, I totally know what you mean about having to act normal when it's the last thing you feel like doing. It sucks. I really hope we all get sticky beans soon. I can't take the excitement followed by the grief over and over again, as well as those awful 2 week waits and the evil visits from af :(

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