What does a sweep feel like??

Heres Hoping

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2012
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When are you most likely offered a sweep? Is it only on or after due date? Also what does it feel like? Makes me feel a little nervous the thought of it. Im seeing my mw later and just curious when i could be offered one. x
Usually after your due date and I would say it feels a bit like a smear.
I've been told it'd be 8 days over due date and then 10 days... So quite a long wait after due date still!!
I got one on my due date not allowed one before i will get another at 40+4. Tbh it can feel different for everyone depending oj ur cervix and who is doing it. My one on monday just felt pure pressure. The one i got with my son 2 years ago was pure pain and discomfort.
It depends. I had my first at 40 weeks with DD, then about every 36-48 hours after that.

This time I'm getting one at 39 weeks as they don't want me to go over my due date because of the bleeding I've suffered. This is on the off chance the placenta is starting to fail.

It is a bit like a smear but it's fingers and not a speculum. If the cervix is far back (which mine always seems to be!) they can struggle to reach, particularly if they don't have very long fingers. If they're struggling to reach it can be a bit painful but if they can reach and they're good at it then it won't. My midwife last time had long fingers and she never hurt me (she did the first and last) but I had two other midwives do it (second and third times) and they hurt!
I've been told it'd be 8 days over due date and then 10 days... So quite a long wait after due date still!!

Who told you that Karen? I've never heard of it being left so late!?
I've been told it'd be 8 days over due date and then 10 days... So quite a long wait after due date still!!

Who told you that Karen? I've never heard of it being left so late!?

The midwife at an antenatal class I went to! Ohhh I hope they wouldn't leave it so late but that's definitely what she said, then they'd induce at 12 days past due date
I got offered a smear @ 40 weeks if I remember correctly & then I had quite a few after that during the 2 weeks before my little boy was due! I don't think it is common practise to have been able to have as many as what I had during the 2 weeks I was just fortunate enough I had amazing midwives that allowed me to go in & have so many done! sadly though they never worked for me as my cervix was quite far back & was always closed so they couldn't do the sweep!

I'm not sure how to best describe it really I found the initial gong in a tad uncomfortable but after that it was quite bearable and they had to "dig deep" (tmi) so I managed quite well!
I was offered them from 40 weeks with my first, every 3-4 days - I had 4 in total and they varied in how they felt and how uncomfortable they were - none were what I'd call painful. With my second I've had quite bad SPD so my midwives (homebirth team) have been giving me weekly sweeps since 38 weeks as they don't want me to go too far overdue.
I think it can take up to 36 hours for labour to start following a sweep so that's why they make you wait at least a couple of days before the next. In your area Karen it sounds like you only get one sweep which is weird? I'd double check that as it seems strange to me!
with my midwife its even longer! im currently 40+2 and she will only do one 12 days over because she doesn't really agree with them!
Yikes Karen, seems to defeat the point of a sweep giving it so late! The latest my health board will leave induction is 40+11 days!

I will be offered a sweep at my next midwife appointment (39+6), if conditions are favourable. I'm really keen to avoid induction so will be def taking it up. Then I will be offered one a week later I think. Then would be induction a few days later if neither work.

Interesting to read what it will feel like - good thread here's hoping! I am just kinda not thinking too much about it yet. Blocking the badness from my mind! xx
with my midwife its even longer! im currently 40+2 and she will only do one 12 days over because she doesn't really agree with them!

It seems ridiculous that you have to go by someone's personal feelings, it shouldn't be like that, surely there are procedures in place? I'd be complaining out of principle, whether I wanted one or not!
I think it can take up to 36 hours for labour to start following a sweep so that's why they make you wait at least a couple of days before the next. In your area Karen it sounds like you only get one sweep which is weird? I'd double check that as it seems strange to me!

She said two sweeps, one at 40+8 and one at 40+10, I prob will ask for one slightly earlier if I get the chance but not sure how that will go down!
I had two at around the 38 week mark with my last baby - both total agony! I know everyone's experience it totally different though xx

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