had a sweep

good luck hun, hopfully your next post will be with an addition x
Hope your sweep works hun xx I had one today too, and have had nothing but period pains since but apart from that nothing seems to be happening x FX LO makes an appearance for you soon! :hug: x
Well all the period pains have now stopped, and I'm just thinking maybe I'm not even pregnant, its probably just trapped wind lol, I just can't picture going into labour at this point it seems like an impossible dream!!! I'm so exhausted though as I'm only getting 2 hrs broken sleep for last 2 nights because of the pain in my pelvis & hips when I lie down.
I wouldn't mind but he's been engaged for a fortnight and I lost my plug 5 days ago, 3 days ago mw said my cervix was soft and ready, but then a big fat nothing happens :( sorry to moan so much I must sound like an awful whiner but I'm terrified of having to be induced and my hospital won't let me go past thurs 6th Oct, I keep crying just thinking about it, I want so much to be at home when it starts and not have to sit in hosp for 2 days while the induction kicks in :'-(
Please hurry up little man
Sorry to hear your having a rough time :( try and get some sleep babe your gonna need to be well rested for labour xx
Hopefully you'll be holding ur LO soon :hug:
Aww you're allowed to moan bunnykins! I know how frustrating it is waiting for something to happen. I had my second sweep yesterday but still nothing :-( Im booked in to be induced on Fri and the thought of being in hospital for days is freaking me out too.

At least the end is in sight though! Hope you manage to get a better sleep tonight Xx
oh i had pain in my pelvis and hips when having contractions i could feel him grind against my bone as he was coming through x
sorry things haven't 'got going' yet hun.....keeping fx for u, I so don't want to be induced either! It must be v frustrating to feel like it's all starting and then it stops! U still have over a week before u get to 6th of October, plenty of time for LO to arrive! All the best xx
Quick update, I tried to book a mw apt for Monday nxt week to get another sweep before the induction on thurs but Dr surgery said she was fully booked and only apt would be 10am this morning so I thought well even tho I've had an apt already this week I'll take it. It was my usual mw this time (the one I'd had on Mon was a temp one) and she said she'd give me another sweep, and if I'm still here on tues she'll come to my house and give me a final one!
Well apparantly the sweep I had on Monday was not a 'proper' sweep as my mw said the one who'd done it had only jiggled my cervix and not separated the membranes, this time by god I felt it, she got right in there, she managed to get a finger into the first part of my cervix then break open the bit behind that and run her finger over the sack with the waters in and touch babys head, she says my waters feel very bulging! There was a fair bit of pain and blood but I did my hypnobirthing birthing breathing and visualization so I stayed very calm and she kept saying how she was shocked at how brave and calm I was considering what she'd just done, I even got a sticker saying well done :rofl:
So hopefully as I do seem to have dilated by at least a fingertip width since Monday and she's prised open the rest of it that maybe this one will actually do something :) I feel really uncomfortable now so off to have a shower and pampering sesh and try chill out, will update if anything happens!!!
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hahahhahahah well done sticker. Glad its been done properly and things hoepefully will move for you now! xxxx
It's quite cute it has a moo cow on it and says 'very good' I could have chosen an owl or a hippo one but the cow was cutest :rofl:
Lol at the sticker, your so brave! Hope this sweep works for you, sounds much more promising anyway x
It's made me really upbeat about the natalhypnobirthing as it really helped to keep me calm and brave, I think if I hadn't used it I'd have made it 10x more uncomfortable for myself and probably been quite traumatised!!! and more importantly wouldn't have got my sticker!!!!!
Lmao loving the sticker!!!!
Glad things seem to be moving forward for you now and u had a proper sweep :cheer:
Not long now!!
Love that you got a sticker lol, hope baby is on it's way soon x


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