what do u think you would do....?


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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morning ladies,

just after a little bit of advice and insight as to what u think you would do in my position...

as most of you will know i have been measuring big. I had a scan at 33 weeks and boo boo was weighing around 5lbs then......been tested for GD and all clear. They have said i have excess fluid but its nothing to worry about its just with it being a bigger baby. I have another growth scan tomorrow when i will be 38+3 and also another meeting with the consultant where we will discuss the way forward and delivery options....

depending on what the scan shows of course, one of the options mentioned was to induce me early and not let me go over my due date. The consultant and midwives have both said that with bigger babies it is sometimes better to let it all happen naturally as this normally results in an easier delivery and also allows nature to take its course. basically if baby is too big for me to deliver, then i just wont progress....labour just wont start...

part of me wants induced earlier because i dont want to go to 42 weeks and risk baby getting even bigger but then part of me wants to let nature to take its course to see if my body can go into labour and deliver.......my head is battered as you can imagine...

i am thinking whatever happens then epidural is the way to go....because it may help me relax and not worry so much about the pushing stage and also if there are any problems and i need assistance then i am already prep'd....

one good thing is that boo boo is engaged and this is a good sign cos if babies are too big, then they tend not to even engage......i am just absolutely terrified of baby getting stuck and me not being able to push it out.....

sorry for the long post...and thanks in advance for your thoughts xxxx
I think thatnwith today's medical knowledge, the doctors will do what's best for you and the baby. If baby is too big for you to push out, than that will take it out for you (c-section). Either way, baby will come out:) I'm sure you will do just fine either way!!!

Hey Samsgirl - I think you have to get all your info first ie how big baby is now (and even then the scans can be way out with predicted weight) and obviously listen to what they have to say afterwards. Whatever happens none of us are really that prepared, I think it's best to expect your own individual birth and go with the flow. I remember that at antenatal my MW who is also a friend said that bigger babies can be easier to come out because of gravity helping them (hmmm??)
I'm gonna leave it all up in the air, and see how I go, I have no idea of my pain threshold as never really suffered huge pain before in my life.
Let us know what they say after your growth scan today. You might have similar plan to me which is because of excess fluid they might want to do a controlled breaking of waters if contractions start first. My consultant didn't mention inducing but my baby wasn't considered large at last scan I guess. My MW did question how long they would let me go over, but I'm seeing her on Wed so she might bring it up if she's not happy for me to go indefnitely.
Look forward to an update xxxx Enjoy seeing your LO!
As you know I'm in a similar situation to you. My last growth scan is next week at my little fatty weighed 5.2 lbs 2 1/2 weeks ago. Only difference is my age which is why consultant insists on induction at 38 weeks nevertheless I would still take that option if I were 20 yrs younger. Def epidural, mobile has been recomended and if induced given early. There are no prizes for doing it au naturel the only prize is healthy you and healthy baby. If in doubt go with gut instinct xxx
As you know I'm in a similar situation to you. My last growth scan is next week at my little fatty weighed 5.2 lbs 2 1/2 weeks ago. Only difference is my age which is why consultant insists on induction at 38 weeks nevertheless I would still take that option if I were 20 yrs younger. Def epidural, mobile has been recomended and if induced given early. There are no prizes for doing it au naturel the only prize is healthy you and healthy baby. If in doubt go with gut instinct xxx

i'm an 'older mum' too chick....will let you know what they recommend tomorrow after i have seen the consultant.....i think my mind and heart are set on an epi....xx
I would listen to the advice of the people looking after you firstly. It may be that they recommend something to you, I'd like to think they wouldn't sit on the fence?

If I had any kind of option and they assured me it was safe to do so I would be going for as natural a birth as possible, but I am quite tree huggy in that sense. I am of the opinion that women have been doing this for centuries and our bodies are designed for it and only in very rare scenarios does it go wrong in that sense.
Hey Samsgirl - I think you have to get all your info first ie how big baby is now (and even then the scans can be way out with predicted weight) and obviously listen to what they have to say afterwards. Whatever happens none of us are really that prepared, I think it's best to expect your own individual birth and go with the flow. I remember that at antenatal my MW who is also a friend said that bigger babies can be easier to come out because of gravity helping them (hmmm??)
I'm gonna leave it all up in the air, and see how I go, I have no idea of my pain threshold as never really suffered huge pain before in my life.
Let us know what they say after your growth scan today. You might have similar plan to me which is because of excess fluid they might want to do a controlled breaking of waters if contractions start first. My consultant didn't mention inducing but my baby wasn't considered large at last scan I guess. My MW did question how long they would let me go over, but I'm seeing her on Wed so she might bring it up if she's not happy for me to go indefnitely.
Look forward to an update xxxx Enjoy seeing your LO!

the pain threshold thing is an interesting one isnt it......apparently labour pain cannot be compared to anything because its a 'natural pain'....i have been scalded in my life and put a gardening fork through my foot...both very painful and i cant remember the pain now...i didnt cope too well but i was only young....younger than 13 on both occassions...

i suffered a MC last year and was contracting etc (or so the doctor told me) and i would say i dealt with the pain quite well...the worst bit was the internal and my hubby says i did amazingly well....with no pain relief whatsoever...but delivery is going to be a completely different matter...oh well...it will all be over soon...GULP! xx
I would listen to the advice of the people looking after you firstly. It may be that they recommend something to you, I'd like to think they wouldn't sit on the fence?

If I had any kind of option and they assured me it was safe to do so I would be going for as natural a birth as possible, but I am quite tree huggy in that sense. I am of the opinion that women have been doing this for centuries and our bodies are designed for it and only in very rare scenarios does it go wrong in that sense.

thats what i am thinking.....last week i was all for induction just to get it out...lol..but now i am thinkign to let nature take its course may be the way to go cos my body will do what its meant to do........

i am also hoping they say 'this is what you should do' and hope they dont just give me options and tell me to choose!!!xx
Is this your first baby??
I'm in almost exactly the same situation as you - warning - war & peace coming up!!!
My first son was born at 42+2 weighing 9lb2 after a 3 day labour following induction. However, his shoulders got stuck (shoulder distocia) and an emergency procedure took place to remove him from me, nearly resulting in the medical team having to break his bones to get him out of me. I also had forceps & an episiotomy!

Anyway, this time round I have been closely monitored and had extra scans as consultants were concerned to allow my baby to be born bigger than my first son, to reduce risk of shoulder distocia again.
At 32 weeks I was scanned & our baby boy weighed over 5lbs & I was also diagnosed with quite severe polyhydramnios (excess fluid) & was signed off with complete bed rest. The bed rest paid off as at this weeks scan my fluid levels had dropped by 12cm putting me in the normal range for my babies size.

Doctors have said they want me to be induced at 38 weeks to prevent shoulder distocia as this baby is set to be bigger than our first. They said it was either that, or a c-section!! I have refused a c-section but am also not entirely happy about an induction as really wanted to give birth as naturally as possible this time round.
I have also been researching medical interventions & due to the drugs often put in you when you are induced, it brings on contractions in your uterus thick & fast. But this often means that your body has not had a chance to naturally produce the chemicals (endorphins) which naturally ease pain in labour. This can make drug induced inductions a lot more painful. This often leads to epidurals being performed. And in my case - you are more likely to get shoulder distocia following an epidural as you are laid on your back & unable to get into a more suitable position to birth the baby's shoulders! (However I think it's also worth pointing out that shoulder distocia is not a common occurence so the chances of it happening to you are slim).

I plan to be as active as possible in weeks 36-37 in the hope baby comes naturally so I can have a peaceful water birth. However, if I get to 38 weeks & boy hasn't arrived, I will go with what doctors are suggesting & go for an induction, requesting they try breaking waters in the first instance before using synthetic drugs to bring labour on.

I am very positive that I can cope with whatever outcome this time round as I birthed my first baby vaginally despite the odds. I'm pretty sure you will do too. Our bodies are built to birth our babies - however small or huge they are (& thats what makes women so amazing!) And every woman's body is different, meaning some tiny women can give birth to 12lb babies without breaking a sweat, whereas some larger framed ladies struggle to push out 6lb babies. In some far away countries where there are no medical interventions women give birth to big babies at 42 weeks +, by themselves in the hollow of trees! If they can do it - we certainly can! :D

Can't really advise you of whats best to do, as I'm still a little unsure myself!!! But I would say you know your body so trust it 100%. And stay confident & positive as whatever you decide to do, the end result will be the same - a beautiful bundle of well earned joy in your arms!!

Wish you all the best!! And hope our wee ones (or big ones) behave themselves & come naturally!!

Just wanted to reiterate - I believe it is very rare for baby to get stuck. I would also definitely recommend a mobile epi if one is available as this will enable you to stay active & get into positions to assist the birthing of your baby. (I've read that all fours is a good position for a bigger baby).

All the best xxxxxxxxx
And don't worry!! The more relaxed you are, the easier & more pleasant it will make your birthing experience :)
No more posts, I promise :)
Is this your first baby??
I'm in almost exactly the same situation as you - warning - war & peace coming up!!!
My first son was born at 42+2 weighing 9lb2 after a 3 day labour following induction. However, his shoulders got stuck (shoulder distocia) and an emergency procedure took place to remove him from me, nearly resulting in the medical team having to break his bones to get him out of me. I also had forceps & an episiotomy!

Anyway, this time round I have been closely monitored and had extra scans as consultants were concerned to allow my baby to be born bigger than my first son, to reduce risk of shoulder distocia again.
At 32 weeks I was scanned & our baby boy weighed over 5lbs & I was also diagnosed with quite severe polyhydramnios (excess fluid) & was signed off with complete bed rest. The bed rest paid off as at this weeks scan my fluid levels had dropped by 12cm putting me in the normal range for my babies size.

Doctors have said they want me to be induced at 38 weeks to prevent shoulder distocia as this baby is set to be bigger than our first. They said it was either that, or a c-section!! I have refused a c-section but am also not entirely happy about an induction as really wanted to give birth as naturally as possible this time round.
I have also been researching medical interventions & due to the drugs often put in you when you are induced, it brings on contractions in your uterus thick & fast. But this often means that your body has not had a chance to naturally produce the chemicals (endorphins) which naturally ease pain in labour. This can make drug induced inductions a lot more painful. This often leads to epidurals being performed. And in my case - you are more likely to get shoulder distocia following an epidural as you are laid on your back & unable to get into a more suitable position to birth the baby's shoulders! (However I think it's also worth pointing out that shoulder distocia is not a common occurence so the chances of it happening to you are slim).

I plan to be as active as possible in weeks 36-37 in the hope baby comes naturally so I can have a peaceful water birth. However, if I get to 38 weeks & boy hasn't arrived, I will go with what doctors are suggesting & go for an induction, requesting they try breaking waters in the first instance before using synthetic drugs to bring labour on.

I am very positive that I can cope with whatever outcome this time round as I birthed my first baby vaginally despite the odds. I'm pretty sure you will do too. Our bodies are built to birth our babies - however small or huge they are (& thats what makes women so amazing!) And every woman's body is different, meaning some tiny women can give birth to 12lb babies without breaking a sweat, whereas some larger framed ladies struggle to push out 6lb babies. In some far away countries where there are no medical interventions women give birth to big babies at 42 weeks +, by themselves in the hollow of trees! If they can do it - we certainly can! :D

Can't really advise you of whats best to do, as I'm still a little unsure myself!!! But I would say you know your body so trust it 100%. And stay confident & positive as whatever you decide to do, the end result will be the same - a beautiful bundle of well earned joy in your arms!!

Wish you all the best!! And hope our wee ones (or big ones) behave themselves & come naturally!!


Thanks for this.. :) yeah it's my first baby....from what the consultant said last time, he seems to like the narural approach too and i am thikning that before they just book me in for a drug induction, they will try sweeps and stuff first....

so i may get a sweep tomorrow...oh there's a scary thought! ha ha better sort my lady garden out tonight!!! or get hubby too cos i cant see it :D lol
And don't worry!! The more relaxed you are, the easier & more pleasant it will make your birthing experience :)
No more posts, I promise :)

he he...post all you like, your input and advice is greatly appreciated xxx
Good luck for the sweep! I had sweeps with my first boy & the midwife said "The key to a successful sweep is piano players fingers! Mine never fail!" So check out the fingers! The longer & more gangly the better apparently!!! Ha ha

And re the lady garden - I had a beautician who had a woman's waters break as she was waxing! Worth a try!!! ;)

I have GD and getting induced tomorrow I'll be 38 weeks exactly and baby was estimated 2 weeks ago at 8lbs so have no idea what she is now i would think about 9lbs ish im planning on having an epi too as like you say if needed you are prepd for it. They have told me that baby getting stuck is very rare x
I have GD and getting induced tomorrow I'll be 38 weeks exactly and baby was estimated 2 weeks ago at 8lbs so have no idea what she is now i would think about 9lbs ish im planning on having an epi too as like you say if needed you are prepd for it. They have told me that baby getting stuck is very rare x

good luck for tomorrow hon... :) keep me posted how you get on. have you got a bump text buddy to update everyone?

hopefully your GD will disappear after baby here.......is this your first hon? xx
Good luck for the sweep! I had sweeps with my first boy & the midwife said "The key to a successful sweep is piano players fingers! Mine never fail!" So check out the fingers! The longer & more gangly the better apparently!!! Ha ha

And re the lady garden - I had a beautician who had a woman's waters break as she was waxing! Worth a try!!! ;)


ha ha...well the consultant was quite a slim, normal build kind of bloke....didnt notice his fingers...but its the first thing i will look at when he sits down tomorrow...ha ha xxx
I can't really offer any advice hun but just wanted to say good luck and whatever happens, you'll have your little one in your arms sooners or later xxx
just wanted to wish all u ladies well, and hopefully the consultants will do what they think is best for you and baby :)

i was induced with my 1st baby at 40+4 as i had problems with small growth all the way through so didnt want me to go full 2 weeks over, and it was really painful i ended up having an epi coz i was exhausted with all the pain and couldnt cope, this worked in my favour as baby was getting distressed and was monitored internally and i ended up having an emergency section, which was traumatic at the time but my baby was fine and weighed 6lb 13oz....when i got pregnant 2nd time consultant said that the smaller the babies are the more likely they are to become distressed and end up with intervention..luckily 2nd baby was born on dd through spontaneous labour and did get a little distressed in final stages but all was fine, and no pain releif needed as the pain was no were near as bad as first time around :)

all though this is my experience of induction there are women who i know, who have started on induction and there body has taken over on its own accord and all was fine with pain and delivery

Good luck to you all xxxx
just wanted to wish all u ladies well, and hopefully the consultants will do what they think is best for you and baby :)

i was induced with my 1st baby at 40+4 as i had problems with small growth all the way through so didnt want me to go full 2 weeks over, and it was really painful i ended up having an epi coz i was exhausted with all the pain and couldnt cope, this worked in my favour as baby was getting distressed and was monitored internally and i ended up having an emergency section, which was traumatic at the time but my baby was fine and weighed 6lb 13oz....when i got pregnant 2nd time consultant said that the smaller the babies are the more likely they are to become distressed and end up with intervention..luckily 2nd baby was born on dd through spontaneous labour and did get a little distressed in final stages but all was fine, and no pain releif needed as the pain was no were near as bad as first time around :)

all though this is my experience of induction there are women who i know, who have started on induction and there body has taken over on its own accord and all was fine with pain and delivery

Good luck to you all xxxx

thanks for replying :) i am hoping the natural route is going to be an option....xx

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