what do u think you would do....?

just wanted to wish all u ladies well, and hopefully the consultants will do what they think is best for you and baby :)

i was induced with my 1st baby at 40+4 as i had problems with small growth all the way through so didnt want me to go full 2 weeks over, and it was really painful i ended up having an epi coz i was exhausted with all the pain and couldnt cope, this worked in my favour as baby was getting distressed and was monitored internally and i ended up having an emergency section, which was traumatic at the time but my baby was fine and weighed 6lb 13oz....when i got pregnant 2nd time consultant said that the smaller the babies are the more likely they are to become distressed and end up with intervention..luckily 2nd baby was born on dd through spontaneous labour and did get a little distressed in final stages but all was fine, and no pain releif needed as the pain was no were near as bad as first time around :)

all though this is my experience of induction there are women who i know, who have started on induction and there body has taken over on its own accord and all was fine with pain and delivery

Good luck to you all xxxx

thanks for replying :) i am hoping the natural route is going to be an option....xx

i will keep my fingers crossed for you :) i didnt want induction 2nd time around or this time so wil be trying all the same remedies that sent me into labour 2nd time around........but im sure u will be ok if u do get induced, as ur baby is on the big side so unlikey to have problems with getting distressed etc as they cope better with labour xxx
just wanted to wish all u ladies well, and hopefully the consultants will do what they think is best for you and baby :)

i was induced with my 1st baby at 40+4 as i had problems with small growth all the way through so didnt want me to go full 2 weeks over, and it was really painful i ended up having an epi coz i was exhausted with all the pain and couldnt cope, this worked in my favour as baby was getting distressed and was monitored internally and i ended up having an emergency section, which was traumatic at the time but my baby was fine and weighed 6lb 13oz....when i got pregnant 2nd time consultant said that the smaller the babies are the more likely they are to become distressed and end up with intervention..luckily 2nd baby was born on dd through spontaneous labour and did get a little distressed in final stages but all was fine, and no pain releif needed as the pain was no were near as bad as first time around :)

all though this is my experience of induction there are women who i know, who have started on induction and there body has taken over on its own accord and all was fine with pain and delivery

Good luck to you all xxxx

thanks for replying :) i am hoping the natural route is going to be an option....xx

i will keep my fingers crossed for you :) i didnt want induction 2nd time around or this time so wil be trying all the same remedies that sent me into labour 2nd time around........but im sure u will be ok if u do get induced, as ur baby is on the big side so unlikey to have problems with getting distressed etc as they cope better with labour xxx

what remedies did you do???? i'm open to any options...lol xx
rasberry leaf capsules, pineapple, spicy hot food and sex although it kinda wasnt working!! so did all these things on the same day but with the added ingredient of durex tingle lube and 1 hour later it all kicked off, and 6 hrs later he was born!! it may have been a coincidence but im doing it again :lol: xx

good luck :) xx
rasberry leaf capsules, pineapple, spicy hot food and sex although it kinda wasnt working!! so did all these things on the same day but with the added ingredient of durex tingle lube and 1 hour later it all kicked off, and 6 hrs later he was born!! it may have been a coincidence but im doing it again :lol: xx

good luck :) xx

well i have done all of the above and then some...ha ha...except the tingle lube!!!! just been using boring old KY.....right im off to the shop...ha ha :D

I did all of the above with my first & nothing - so durex tingle cream it is this time!!! "Hubby!!!!!!" :D
What ever happens hun you will amazing. I think all you can really do is take all the advice from the medical profession that they offer. Try not to go in with a this is what I don't want attitude cos it will leave you feeling stressed and upset. Be open to all suggestions even if they are not ideal and remember although our bodies are built for giving birth, it doesn't always work that way. Baby may not like it, your body may not like it and don't ever feel that you have failed baby. We are so lucky to have the medical intervention that we do to ensure that whatever happens baby and you will be safe. xxxxxxxxx

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