What do I do now?

Hope you are bearing up ok, it does get better although it may not feel like it I know. Thinking of you xx
Its the pain that makes it worse I think, You makes you realise that little bit of hope you did have is going away fast. I have my scan in 2 days. Things are moving along faster now, my OH, family and friends have been so amazing. I was really shocked to find out how many people from my own class at school has lost their first, but now they all have healthy babies. I really look forward to that too, that's what keeps me going, because I know one day, I'll have my own bundle of joy.
I'm not entirely sure, but I think I may of just passed the baby, I flushed the poor thing and now I feel terrible and guilty :'(
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Aw hun they will tell you when you have your scan if its gone, im so sorry for what your going through x
Don't feel guilty hon....honestly. By the sounds of it your body is doing what it needs to...and once you get through this you can begin to get your mind sorted and look to ttc again. I lost bakes bean at 9 weeks in March 2011....I fell pregnant again in June 2011 and now Hannah is 1 in a couple of weeks. So there is hope and it does feel easier with time....I promise. You will never forget but it does become easier to deal with......big hugs and lots of cuddles with your OH xxx
I'm glad everything turned out great for you in the end. I really look forward to trying again March - April time. Its so hard all this waiting though. I know Its not my fault, but I can't help thinking it is, but I guess most of us feel that way.
I have my scan today, I really hope this will be closer, but its really helped talking to others instead of bottling it up.

I found this beautiful little onsie I want to buy for my first baby :')
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Aww I have that on my list of buys for wen I get my rainbow along with a few other rainbow baby garments:) sorry about ur loss my body doesn't do as it should wen I mmc I tried natural and medical managed and neither worked I had to have an erpc both times , hope ur ok and they tell u at scan that all has been passed xxx
Hugs sorry for your loss.
I love the little vest :) might have to get myself one if I get another baby xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of one and ttc baby number 4 <3
Oh gosh the scan ¬_¬, The sonographer I had today was so horrible... Spoke to me like I was stupid and basically said every everything else I was told by my family, midwife and the other sonographer was wrong *sigh* ANYWAY.. I was really hopping for closer today but I have to go back in a week for another scan as I still have some lining left. I'm coping really well though, if it wasn't for this forum Id be so lost <3
Whooops double post lol
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I just wanted to send u a big hug xxx
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Big hug from me too. Your story is so similar to mine, and it does get easier in time. I promise! Sorry to hear you were treated so badly at your scan. It's terrible that these people can get jobs in healthcare :( xx
It's just frustrating enough, what we go through, don't need a mean sonographer too >.< ahh
It will be all over soon, and finally have some closure.
OMG! today I'm in agony!! I can't even sit up without screaming, I have the worst pains I've ever felt in my life in my lower abdomen. It feels like a extremely sharp stabbing pain, is this normal? Or could it be something else, like should I go to hospital? I'm trying to keep myself from crying and no amount of painkillers, even codeine is working :'(
I'm not entirely sure, but I think I may of just passed the baby, I flushed the poor thing and now I feel terrible and guilty :'(

I felt the same way with my first MC so when I had a second one I kept the fetus and planted it under the apple tree we planted for it. I felt a lot better holding it for a while and saying good bye properly.

Sorry for your loss by the way. It's horrible to go through but the more you talk about it the more you will find you are not alone.

As for your sonographer don't worry and don't listen. I came to the conclusion that they see this sort of thing everyday and to help them stay sane they need to be clinical about it and distance themselves. It's how I would handle the same situation otherwise I'd be crying for other people everyday.

Both my MCs were natural. I just took the best pain killers I had available and breathed through the pain. But I had been through labour twice before my first MC. If you are in too much pain go into emergency they should be able to help and give you better pain meds.
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Kloe, reading your post is like reading my own story from the end of last year, except I never saw a hb. I found out I just had a sac measuring 5-6 weeks at my 12 week scan. I miscarried naturally at home a week later but my second scan still showed a thick lining. I too have a tipped uterus which I think is fairly common (my mum and mil both have them) i ended up having an erpc. It was quick and painless. Bled for a few days after and that was it. I got my first period 6 weeks later. If you wanna chat feel free to message me. I feel your pain. It does get easier. Although 2 months on im feeling emotional again! X
Oh that so sad :( All that time not knowing, I'm so sorry. :hugs:
I don't think I'll be having a ERPC, now thankfully. My body has taken care of most of it now.
Just in a lot of pain, I'm not sure why, A&E ruled out infection. I have some anti-inflammatory but I'm still in pain. Starting to think I have extreme gas pains. I had very bad gas from the start of my pregnancy, the sonographer found it very hard to actually see though my gas. I get worried I was so gassy, that it crushed my uterus and caused my m/c, but surely that can't happen?
I wouldn't have thought so chick. One thing I've learnt about mc is that there is nothing you can do about it. It's just one of those chance things, normally decided as soon as the egg is released or the spermy shoots out. It's more often than not chromosomal. It's good you don't have to have an erpc. Rest up, take it easy and hopefully you will be on the baby wagon soon- hopefully we both will xx
I've done a heap of research and I think I've found the problem, I think my gas is cause by IBS. I've checked up with my systems and they match up, along with my anxiety, I read my miscarriage threat is an extra 30%. I'm extremely concerned and upset, I don't want to continually miscarry, I feel pretty gutted right now.

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