Wetting herself

This must be so difficult, for you and her x it sounds like you're trying everything right to get her to stop x maybe if she hits you you could stand up and ignore her until she stops and once she's stopped then speak to her? x
I know this might sounds harsh but with my son I had a naughty step. It was always the 3rd step up from the bottom. When he was naughty he got time out on that step.

It stopped him being naughty to get attention.....because attention was the last thing he got being in the hall while I was in the sitting room/kitchen etc You could have a naughty stair/chair whatever suits - but while they are having time out do not interact with them until that time is up.

He is 11 now.....I am not even sure if this is "allowed parenting" or if I am prob seen as barbaric lol

I think sometimes it's not actually intentional - which may be why she said she doesn't know why, and nothing seems to work. I know Sam is younger but he was pretty much potty trained - had the occasional accident but almost never, then suddenly started wetting himself every time he needed a wee again. I spoke to a child behavioural therapist (didn't go and see one but was out for lunch with a friend and her friend, who was one!) and she said that when kids feel that their role in the house is threatened or attention is taken away they can regress to make themselves more needy again - but don't mean to do it. Sam had been fine while Toby was a little baby and he got to play with me while Toby watched, but it happened at almost exactly the time that Toby started to crawl and was suddenly wanting to play with everything that Sam had or be wherever Sam was. All the things that I'd used to potty train him in the first place - rewards, sticker charts and things - didn't help at all and it was so frustrating but he did just grow out of it again x
We've had 3 dry days in a row!! She's also behaving herself so I'm hoping she's starting to get better. The only thing I've done different is calm myself before going to her level and talking to her. Before I was either stood up talking or just shouted at her!
Glad she's doing better! I'm sure she'll still have the odd day but hopefully that's the start of everything getting back to normal x
She weed again last night but she's got a sore between her legs now so I said that's due to weeing herself! She got quite upset over it so I think she now releases it's not a good idea to wee herself!
My OH has 2 children his with his ex. She now has 2 other children under 13 months old in the house one of them is 2 weeks old. The 5 year old has become increasingly naughty and attention seeking and has wet himself a few times now and its horrid for him and embarrassing for us, we think its because hes the oldest of 4 now and feels lost. :(
I had a little cry yesterday cos she's started doing it at school now! I felt so embarrassed when the teacher told me! I actually don't know what to do now! I don't want Lacey to be known as that girl who wee's herself!!
:( awww hun!! are you sure she's not got an infection?? my OH's little girl wets herself sometimes, being in her sleep most of thetime though (shes 6) but she has got a bladder problem xxx
She got tested for an infection but it came back clear. I think she's got a bladder problem but the doctor didnt think she has!
:wall2: id take her to see a different one hun and get a second opinionx
My friend's daughter had trouble staying dry over night for years, it took my friend a long time to convince GP to do something about it having tried very hard at a strict bedtime routine, taking toilet in the night and everything. He finally prescribed something about two months ago and she's now dry over night every night for the first time ever, she'll be 8 this month. Was costing a fortune in pull-ups every night (sometimes two).

Hope things get better for you!

oh hun i really hope you get some help, i dont know what to suggest! :hugs:

poor lacey aswell, it must be embarresing for her doing it at school, like said before i dont think she do it on purpose, especially not at school :hugs:

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