

Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
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Mia is into screaming at the moment-it's really loud and very annoying she does it all the time especially when she's being told not to do something and when she wants something but wont reach it herself.

I don't want her screaming, and she just won listen to me when i tell her to stop. I hope this is just a phase she's gong though. Has anyone elses child done this-how did you stop it??


Awww... Arianna doesnt scream if getting told no... she just kind of puts a face on and says "oh, oh, oh"!!

She has started screaming when she is her buggy tho - but not in a mad/upset way... just so people know that she is there!! She smiles the whole way through her screams.

I know when my nephews were younger and would throw tantrums my brother and my SIL would just sort of laugh at him and he would start laughing back
Naomi has started doing this too - a sharp little scream when she's been told not to do something particularly. I tell her - no screaming. If she does it again, she's in the bold corner. If she continues to do it I tell her I'm not talking to her until she says sorry and then I go and "read my book" in full sight. Five or ten minutes of that usually bores her enough to come over and say sorry. I have to say that the odd small tap on the back of her hand works too, but I try not to do that except as a last straw kind of thing.

Humour can do it too. She has recently decided that she doesn't want her nappy changed and that brings on the screaming too. I can't be having with that, especially when I'm in a hurry. So I say - ok, I'll change my own nappy so! and I put the nappy up against me. It usually makes her laugh and then things are ok again.

Funny thing is, she hasn't figured out that it could cause serious problems for me if she were to decide not to stay in the corner! I hope she never cottons on! :roll:


Isaac likes a good screech now and then. We call him albatross boy. He screamed at a boy at playgroup recently and the little boy screamed back at Isaac and made him cry. He was very quiet for the rest of the day. He needed a taste of his own medicine I think. He is back to albatrossing again now though. I just ignore it or tell him to sshh or he'll have a sore throat lol

Lou :D
Charlie used to do this alot, I think it was mainly through frustration. when she couldnt do someting or didnt get her own way.
It is getting bettter now that her speech has come along, It wont last long :D
Lou - you are reminding me of the ad where the mother had the tantrum in the supermarket - attack is the best form of defence! :lol:

Yeah maybe we should all start screaming too! :rotfl:

Ellis does this too .... if he gets something he cant have, like a pen or a coin and i try and take it off him he screams at me and goes red in the face, he is soooo strong! when i finally get it off him he hits me!!!!

I dont understand where he got it from cos i dont hit him.... i say no and ignore him, or tell him say sorry and pull a sad face. I put it down to the fact that they can not talk so it must be fustrating to not be able to say "please mummy i really want that!!" haha xxx

When I got home from my driving lesson today Isaac was over tired and he shouted at me and smacked my face. (mad that I had the cheek to go out without him I think) :roll: I put him down and pulled a really sad face and said "why did you shout and smack mummy, it hurt me". Well his little bottom lip quivered and he climbed up on my lap and gave me the biggest hug we've ever had.

Bless his little albatross heart.

Lou :D
Phew at least Isabella is not the only one. She does this really high pitched scream when told not to do something, having her bum changed or if she gets frustrated.

Last week we had to hurry up our meal at a restaurant as it was quite embarrassing.

How do I also deal with it?

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