almost 5 and still wetting herself

roxane 1985

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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im at my wits end now, my daughter keepswetting herself and dos not care.

she was potty trained at 2 and was completely dry day and night, in the last 2 yrs she is just going backwards.

she wont tell you if she needs the toilet or if you ask her she says no and then will run off and hide and wet herself.

it gotto a point in the last year where she literally wet her pant every time she needed the toilet.

i asked if she was in pain and she said no she just didnt want to stop what she was doing to go to the toilet.

she then said she wanted to go on her own and nobody take her so i agreed thinking she would stop it as she wanted to try and go herself. this didnt work either and she started wetting the bed.

i told her she wasnt allowed to go on her own anymore and even tried making a game of in thelast few months saying we was a team and we picked a team name and told her to tell me every single time she needed the toilet and i would take her and help her. this worked for a couple of weeks, now slowly she is going back andnot telling me again, she haswet the bed twice now and wet herself in the daya couple of times and doesnt tell us.

she starts school in september all her friends are dry so im worrried the kids will start picking on her.

i just dont know what to do can anyone please help, i cant even keep up with all the washing, she always smells really badly of wee no matter how much i clean her and her bed and most her clothes are ruined now
Just a thought, have you taken her to the GP to rule out anything medical?
Very late reply, sorry!

We had a similar problem with OH's daughter. Does your daughter drink blackcurrant squash at all? We traced her problem back to that as it irritates the bladder. The same thing happens to me (without the peeing myself bit :P) that if I drink ribena or something I need to go to the toilet all the time - or at least it feels like it, but without much pee. The only time LO has peed herself since we stopped her having blackcurrant was when her mum gave her some last weekend :wall2:

Hope you get it sorted soon!x
Honestly - dont panic - I have similar problems with my Lo who is 5 on Thursday. The advise I was given by the doctor was not to pressure her, some children just have a less mature bladder. The thing is, she doesnt want to annoy you, she probably feels bad and embarrased when she has done it - so just be suportive. When she has an accident reassure her that your not cross and say lets try harder next time. I like the sound of the team game you did with her!! xxxxx
Sometimes kids enjoy negative attention, i think she hasn't got a medical problem it'll just take time for her to *grow out of it* when she starts full time school she prob wont wet herself as it's a different environment, my nearly 7 year old wet the bed so many time i was at my wits end( i know it's not in the day) my 4 year old wets the bed about 4 nights a week and my 3 year old has just started wetting himself in the day but finds it so funny!! my nearly 2 yr old is potty training i know it's is hard with the washing, we don't have a dryer so when it's raining it's a nightmare to get it done. I think that maybe you should take her the to Dr but i don't think they will do anything till she's at least 6-7 sorry i haven't helped much but it's all about being patient and no reacting to her wetting her self, i know it's hard Hun i hope she gets out of it soon, if her mattress still smells sprinkle some bicarbonate of soda(tesco 99p) leave it on for a good few hours then hoover it off, mix white vinegar( under60p) with fresh lemon juice and a bit of the B soda with warm water and give the mattress a scrub leave to dry and the smell will be gone, also get a plastic sheet for her mattress it's easy to clean and will protect the mattress. x
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well spoke to my health visitor and she said i may have to get her checked out as she was potty trained completely and to have gone back and sometime not even know she has wet herself.

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