Well this morning I got a scare :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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Woke at 5am for a loo trip, wiped and red blood :( Obviously thought the worst :cry:

Went back to bed hubby heard me up , asked Was I ok. I told he and he said shall I bring you to hospital, but I said I'll lie down for a little while and see.

Got into a flap and got up again and went to the loo again, then I realised the blood wasn't actually coming from that 'department' :lol: not from the bum either though :lol: at the top from a little sore bit :eh: I was never so glad in my life but it was a fair amount of red to come out of a small nick :dohh:

Imagine if I'd have went straight to hospital :rofl:
Omg hun, even though it wasn't there I'm sure it was frightening :hug: So so glad it was from somewhere else xx
God that is a bit intense! Glad it wasn't anything to do with baby!! X
Wow that must have been a horrible feeling, glad it wasn't anything bad :)
:hug: M you poor love! There always seems to be something that is going to prevent you from being able to sit back at enjoy the remainder of this pregnancy - glad it ws nothing serious xx
Big hugs x so glad it wasn't anything serious x
God I was worried when I saw the title of your post!

Glad all was fine with baby Mamafy, but bet that really did scare you,

( if I'd had he same problems this week, I would have also thought that's where the blood had come from! )
omg i bet you were so scared!! :hug: glad it wasnt anything to do wit baby tho! have been wondering how you've been all weekend :hug:
To be fair I've had a really good pg apart from the sickness so I can't complain :)

But I was freaked out I must say :(

Cannot believe I have a maximum of 9-10 weeks left though :shock:
it is proper mad that!! have you got everything sorted?xx

I've got mostly all for baby apart from a mattress and an (optional) travel cot, oh and nappies and cotton wool :lol:

Have all the jobs to do around the house, just waiting on hubbys funds to come through :yay:

But have I packed a bag? No :blush: even after last week I still haven't :dohh:

I have everything here and keep saying I'll do an emergency bag incase I have a bleed but still haven't :wall2:
Even I have a little bag packed with a nightie incase of little stays :hug: xx
get it done woman!! At least it will be one less thing to worry about!

I nearly shit when i seen this thread, so glad everything is ok xx
I will get it done, although I have no urgency to do it :eh: do you think that's intuition or stupidity? :lol:
intuition chcik. Like i said ages ago, i reckon this buba will hang in for a while (i hope so anyway) xx

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