early morning scare


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2006
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woke up this morning at 4ish needing a wee :oops: and as i wiped there was blood on the tissue.
waited until 9 this morning and went to my epau and explained what had happened and that i had, had a previous miscarriage, so they used a doppler( not sure what hosp called it) to listen to babys heartbeat and once she found it it was good and strong 150bmp, which made me feel loads better.
not had any more bleeding and baby has been very active today the most so far, (maybe reasurring me) hubby even felt a slight kick today, which i didnt think he would be able to.
hosp didnt seam to worried as they said i prbably said i jut strained myself, and to wait until my 22 week scan which is on 14th nov.
Oh dear Rebecca, I know exactly how you feel cos i also have a history of miscarriages and am pregnant again.
Hearing the heartbeat is great news, and no more bleeding, so fingers crossed it has sorted itself now.
When things happen like that to me now, i get like an electric shock of fear go through me, and am filled with dread each time. Have you ever considered getting your own doppler machine so that you can listen to the heartbeat whenever you want?? I can`t decide whether or not it would be a good thing for me because i might start getting obsessed about listening to it and panic if i can`t.

Anyway good luck, and glad its settled down now.

Take care XX

I had slight blood at 19 weeks and at 30 weeks. Looking back I think I was a bit constpated both times :oops:

Anyway all was ok and apparantly its very common to have a smear when you wipe but always best to get checked out :)

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