Well this morning I got a scare :(

Glad everything is ok hun. :hug:
Go on, get your bag packed....you'll not need it but it'll sit nicely in the corner looking pretty!
Oh I'm so relieved for you... my heart's beating too fast just from reading that - can't imagine how you must have felt :hug:
So pleased its all OK. I got my bag packed and by door couple of weeks ago - think I've jinxed myself as I've not had a sausage of a labour sign yet - so get it packed and then you won't need it.
That's kind of similar to what happend to me about 3 weeks ago. I woke up at about 4am and went to the toilet, never put light on and wiped n noticed that the paper was darker than should be, so jumped up and put light on. On putting the light on I noticed there was fresh red blood on the paper, so i looked in the toilet to see if it was just on the paper but it was just red in the toilet like I hadnt urinated !! I shouted my OH to come through and he came through and seen it, asked if there was any clots n I said no. He calmed me down n told me to put a pad on n come back to bed n see how things go. I eventually calmed down enough to fall asleep n got up in morning and there hadnt been anymore blood and wasnt any when i went to the toilet later that day. Went up to maternity unit and they listened to heartbeat and done a scan n everything was fine with baby but they discovered my placenta is lying low and over the cervix which might have caused the bleed but they dont know that for deffinate. A couple of weeks later I started having, what I can only describe as old blood started coming out after intercourse but lasted 3 days. I went back to maternity unit and they took a urine sample and a swab and told me to be carefull n take things easy n relax. Urine came back fine but still waiting for swab!

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