Well Im all ready..........


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Unpacked and repacked mine and little legs bags for hospital for the final time and now were just waiting for our date for induction/section which I will hopefully know on wed after growth scan!

We are not telling anyone (apart from you ladies of course and my text buddies Helen123 and Shadowolf) but family and friends will have to wait to hear the news!!

Soooooooo excited, cant believe its only a couple of weeks away now at the most and soon were going to have this much longed for, desperately wanted and loved little miracle here with us!!!

Cant wait xxx
Can't believe how quick your pregnancy has gone!! Won't be long until you meet little legs!! x x
God wilma you know i can't believe how quickly this has gone, I still remember what I was doing when I read your BFP! Glad you have everything sorted, we are all so privilidged in PF to have the sneak previews ;-) xx
Awwww so exciting!!! I myself am really beginning to think I am on the final countdown now! All the best xxx
:) I think I was really new here when you got your BFP and it feels like its gone really quick!!!! Can't wait to find out if little legs is a boy or a girl :)

I too can remember it like it was yesterday when you got your BFP !!! Cant wait !!! So exciting..... its like a little family on here !! xxx
Awwwwww ladies...your all so lovely!! Yes its def like another little family on here isnt it....

I know its gone so fast and Ive loved sharing every step of the way so far with you all....

Ahhhhhhhhhh I think my preg hormones have kicked in....:cry: lol

I cant think of any better ladies to go through it all with than you! xxx
Awww that's so sweet, now you've got me.crying! Hehe. X

Ahhhh sorry Pmum! lol!
I wondered when they would appear and what would kick them off....lovely ladies!!! xx
I can't believe you are almost due Wilma, time has certainly flown!!

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