weight gain


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
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hi every1 :wave:

im nearly 31weeks pregnant and put on a stone and a half so far.
i was just wondering how much more roughly i will put on,
also what is normal at this stage.

hope u and bumps are ok

luv skyraaaa xxx
I think the girls on here will tell you there isn't really a norm. So girls hardly put on a pound, whereas others seem to gain up to around 4 stone!!

The extra weight is not all 'weight' though - as well as some extra fat, the weight includes uterus, 50% extra blood, placenta, waters, baby...the list goes on!
theres alot going on in there lol

the reason i ask i was 9half stone b4 i got preggas im 11 now and i really dont wanna go up 2 12stone .... my mum went up 2 12 stone with me lol

iv heard u put on most of ur weight in the 2nd tri is this true xx
I found I put on the most towards the end of 2nd tri, but everyone is different.

I found a website before that estimates what all the weight adds up to...I had pujt on 2.5stone and it calculated only 8lbs of that was fat :cheer:

I have induldged from time to time (if you can't whilst pregnant then when can you ay!?!) but mainly I have probably had a better diet than before- drinking plenty, eating lots of fruits and easily getting my 5 a day - think I must have put on nearing 4 stone now though!!
Hi :wave:

I was 9 stone 6 before, and I'm 12 stone 6 now!!!! God knows what I will be at full term!

Thats not even pigging out that much,lots of fruit and veg, everyone is different and we will all put on what our bodies are supposed to for our LO's.....

I lost weight in the 1st tri as I was chucking up about 7 times a day, and have gained it all in the 2nd tri....I feel full so easily now though as LO has squished my stomach up so I would say I will gain another 5 or 6 pounds max as my meals are mini portions now.....

Dont worry too much about the weight, we can always kill ourselves trying to lose it after!!!LOL!

Also - breastfeeding burns 500 extra calories a day so bear it in mind that this is also the reason your body is storing fat for bubbs!

C xxx
i was worried in 2nd tri as i thought id put on loads of weight but now i am happy with what iv gained and expect more before my time comes!

i was 8stone 3lbs at my booking in appointment and i am now 10stone 3lbs so iv put on two stone!

i am hoping i dont put on much more though but prepared for it if i do! i have my wedding dress i bought last dec to fit into for May so i need to loose and tone up once little one is here so hoping in 7 months i can do that :pray:
I've put on 3 stone (last time I weighed myself). I'm very swollen though so a lot of that is probably water.
I put on 2.2 stones but didn't put on any extra weight after 37 weeks (my LO was born 39+3 days) but MW said this was ok.

I lost all my babyweight within two months due to bf:ing (back to 8 stones now). I am exercising much less than when pregnant. I know I belong to the minority though...

Don't worry about the weight gain - you will be too busy after LO is born to worry about it!!!
hi im nearly 31 weeks too and ive only just started putting on weight around my bump.so far all the weight i had put on was all front now im putting it on everywhere!!
Like baby magic i didnt gain any extra wieght after 36 weeks

I started off at 9 stone, and was 11 when i had her, i lost most of that instantly and the other half stone is slowely coming off too, i ate whatever i wanted in pregnancy but i never over ate, just ate more bad things lol.

As long as its not excessive weight gain you're fine and if you're not putting on lots of fat (obviously you may be swollen) you'll probably find the wieght will be easier to lose
I refuse to weigh myself and have only been weighed right at the beginning so I have no idea. ignorance is bliss as far as I'm concerned! i can feel and see that I'm heavier than i've ever been but unless my mw says something to me I'm not going to worry. I did notice that most weight was around my bump until about 2/3 weeks ago so when I was about 33/34 weeks I started filling up everywhere- so much so that people are now convinced I'm having a girl :roll:
I think I've put on about 3 stone so far. I managed to combat morning sickness in first tri by eating every two hours - unfortunately that means I have put on a lot more than I otherwise would. I'm a fairly active person (whilst non-pregnant) so hope to loose it all fairly quickly. TBH it took 9 months to put it on so I'm not going to stress too much if it takes 9 months to get off again :D
I didnt put anything on between the start and 16 weeks, that was probably due to me feeling so sick all the time, now i think i have put on about 18 pounds - 6lb of that is baby so not doing too bad, plus i have alot of fluid retention, to be honest being a size 18-20 to start with i have been very careful with what i have eaten and now i have gestational diabetes all sugar has gone out of the window so probably wont put a great deal more on apart from baby weight!
I have now put on 12,7 kilos, which is roughly 2 stone. I put on all my weight towards the end of tri 2 as well, same as Heidilu.

I am resigning myself to the fact that I will probably put on another stone before the end of it. :oops:

Just keep reminding yourself that most women drop an instant stone at least after giving birth. This is at least something to look forward to! :cheer:
havent seen a set of scales since 12week booking in appointment, have a feeling you get weighed at 36week check so guess i'll find out the damage on thursday :roll:
It really really seems to vary - I haven't weighed myself much but according to the scales last week I've put on about 10lbs total..... :think: ......but whatever you put on you'll soon lose it afterwards and it'll be soooooo worth it when you're holding bubs :D
its crazy every1 really is differant,
i dont think im doing 2 bad with weight gain, thanks 4 all replys
i think the most important thing is holdin ur healthy new born not ur weight

take care xxxxxxxxxxx
I was about 9st 7lbs pre-pregnancy, and am currently about 11st 9lbs :oops: So over 2st, and I reckon I will probably put on another stone yet :(

I've not been going too mad with food but have been having more treats than usual I guess, and am less active etc...

Have decided to cut back a bit now though as I'm starting to panic a bit (seems self centred I know! :?) So from now on, no more mayonnaise, biscuits or cakes...

C xxx
I went from around 65kg to 93kg! That's more than 4 st! My face looks puffy now and hadn't before so I'm thinking a lot of it is water. My arms look the same and I can still put on my old jeans (just not buttoning them because my tummy gets in the way. So I guess even if you put on a ton of weight there is a good chance it will all come off right after the baby is born if you are eating sensibly because I'm sure this isn't fat.

I had gained this amount by about 30 weeks or so and haven't really changed since, by the way.
I've already put on nearly 2 stone :? Actually im at the weight that i was at when i was ready to pop with Jack :lol:

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