Weight gain

The dreaded scales :x :x :rotfl:

pre pregnancy was a healthy size 8/10 just under 9stone, weighed yesterday and was just on 11 stone.
Not too worried tho as all bump and look the same everywhere else so hoping its all water and baby (not that i want a whopper)

I know i'm looking forward to wearing some different clothes, sick of wearing same old mat clothes now. nice to wear OH jumpers etc around the house tho, something thats actually baggy on me :rotfl:
Just weight myself to check
im usually 9 and half stone
im now bang on 11 stone
a gain of 1 and half stone
its all bump though ive not put weight on any whee else
whicj im very happy about
i dont mind the weight gain as long as my Collier is growing healthy and happily
I got weighed on friday and ive put on ALL of 0.6kg = 1.5lb :lol:

Had a growth scan on tuesday and the baby alone weighs 5lb, plus i'm retaining water as my shins are swollen !!
I have not weighed since they weighed me @ 10+5

I am still wearing the same clothes. My denim skirts still fit around my waist - not just under my bump!lol

People around me say I look like I have lost body weight. So that must be why I have not had to buy a new size or maternity clothes. I am a big girl anyway. So, I guess losing weight is a bonus lol

EDIT: forgot that I weighed in boots when I was 20 weeks, and was the same as when I was 10 + 5 weeks.
i've put on 3.5 kg or 8 lb. I was worried when i didn't gain any wiehgt untul 20 weeks, but the docter said weight gain is a very inaccurate easure of the LO's growth and not to worry.

I have gone from a 12 pre preggers to 10 in mat wear, my face looks a bit thinner too.

inforabumpyride said:
I've put on about a stone and a bit- all on my bump and boobs though! Not too worried about gaining more- it seems normal to gain about 3 stone so ive got plenty of mars bars to goyet!

Just got on the scales... :shock:

I'm normally just over 8 stone and I'm now just under 10 so I've put on just over a stone and a half.

Not too fussed about weight really- it's just a number... plus I still have up to 3 and a bit weeks of water retention to hit me! :rotfl:
I'd say about a stone... it's all bump and boobs :) hope i don't ballon in nxt few wks! xx
I put on a ridiculous amount, about 4 stone. I made the mistake of weighing myself a few days before she was born. Weighed myself when I got home to find I had lost 2 and a half so that was probably baby and fluid! Still got the rest to lose, though. Boo.
I've gained about 3 stone overall. I never weigh myself at home though. Don't believe in it.

And my first MW said at my booking said to just eat healthily, exercise in moderation and don't worry about weight gain as being pregnant it happens. Focus on healthy baby and me and worry about losing anything I put on afterwards.

Wise woman :lol:

I took her words to heart and tbh don't fret about it. I know I can work out once LO is here and always find it easy to drop weight or turn it back into muscle.
My midwife has never weighed me! I've been weighing myself - out of curiosity. It's not too bad so far
I've put on 2 stone already :( I was on a strict diet and excercise regime before I got pregnant though and lost 24lbs, so to go from that to eating normally (and then some) and hardly any exercise (I was too tired for the first 14 weeks ish and then after that I'm so unfit so can only manage moderate) theres no wonder I've put so much on, I think I would of put it on anyway pregnant or not by going from one extreme to the other.

My OH said to me yesterday that my face is getting fat so I don't look as good looking, he's recently started a new job and told the lads he's got a 'good looking' girlfriend, but he said last night he hopes none of them see me because they will think he was lying!! I was like 'I'M PREGNANT FFS' :evil:
xJodieLoux said:
My OH said to me yesterday that my face is getting fat so I don't look as good looking, he's recently started a new job and told the lads he's got a 'good looking' girlfriend, but he said last night he hopes none of them see me because they will think he was lying!! I was like 'I'M PREGNANT FFS' :evil:

:shock: my OH wouldn't dare!

:shakehead: I'd have his bollocks if he said anything like that to me! :rotfl:
I put on a stone and it was all bump.

I now weigh less than I did before I was pregnant :lol:
inforabumpyride said:
xJodieLoux said:
My OH said to me yesterday that my face is getting fat so I don't look as good looking, he's recently started a new job and told the lads he's got a 'good looking' girlfriend, but he said last night he hopes none of them see me because they will think he was lying!! I was like 'I'M PREGNANT FFS' :evil:

:shock: my OH wouldn't dare!

:shakehead: I'd have his b***ocks if he said anything like that to me! :rotfl:

OMG :evil: I would also have ripped his balls off and made him eat them had he said that to me!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: he was obviously having a ******ed moment babe, take no notice ... or rip his balls off!

Im a right little porker now! I had put on about 3 and half stone a month ago....and then last week my weight has been fluctuating 5-10lbs in a space of a few days so Im more like 4stone now! :shock: I'll ditch it after though no probs. I did it before on WW's and to be honest I havent walked properly anywhere for MONTHS and sex is just a distant memeory at the mo! I cant wait to be able to be a ho again, OH is gonna be soooooo worn out ( when Im recovered! ) :lol:
I gained 2 and a half stone when I was preg- almost all of it in the last trimester and at least half of that was in the last 3-4 weeks. I didn't change size anywhere on my body apart from my boobs and bump though - which wasn't massive so I don't know where the extra weight went! Now, 3 weeks on from birth I have about 5lbs additional weight to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I have changed shape though and have a bit of a jelly belly for the first time ever- can;t wait until I can start to exercise properly again! :cheer:
Well I've just weighed myself and I'm just teetering under the 12 stone mark so since I first made this thread almost a month ago I've almost put on another stone :wall: so I've porked out as predicted.

I'm hoping to lose it all afterwards and get back to a size 8 which is what I was before I started this baby-making malarky. I didn't bother losing it after I had Sean cos I always knew I wanted another baby so didn't see the point in losing weight only to put it back on again. I'm thinking of getting that Wii Fit and walking LOTS.
I've only gained 1lb! :oops: Before the pregnancy I was a size 22 but went down to an 18 during 1st tri as I was on a diet before I got pregnant and it was taking my body ages to catch up with the weight loss. Despite eating 200 extra calories a day I haven't been gaining any weight! I bet I'll balloon up on the last week of being pregnant! :lol:

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