Weight Gain - Updated 1-7


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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DD has only put on 1 and half oz's in 2 weeks :(

I thought i was doing so well BF but now im not sure she very rarely cries to be fed as i offer her the breast every 3 hours or so anyway. She has been very unsettled and clingy the past few days i cant put her down without her screaming. I think she has a tummy bug or something as she has been filling her nappies at rapid speed since yesterday.

The HV wants me to bring her back next week to check her weight again and is putting it down to a tummy bug but i cant help but feel like a failure as she has only had a tummy bug since yesterday what about the other 13 days :(

She has never been a clingy baby but since yesterday i have had to carry her all the time.
Bloom hon she's still put on 21oz in 14 days! That's 1.5oz per day! Still a fab weight gain :)

I don't understand why the HV is giving you cause for concern over it, she's still gaining, and a decent amount! Weight gain does slow as they get older and breastfed babies generally gain less weight than bottlefed babes anyway so if you're looking at your chart don't despair. Ask if they can give you a breastfed baby chart. And what have I told you about the HVs down there? They're a bunch of wankers :D

I think you're doing a fab job, Sophie is alert and seemed content when I saw you yesterday. Plus she's put on about 3-4lb since she was born hasn't she? They used to say that a babe should double their birth weight in 6 months and she's well on the way to doing that. You're hardly a big duffer and she is so much like you that she just might be petite.

Have faith in yourself, you are doing so well :hug:

And if you think she's got a bug then she's bound to be a bit clingy, Christ look what Alex is like at the mo. I'd rather be snuggling Sophie than lugging my dead weight around ;)

If you're really worried about her feeding how about trying what you suggested to Anna and having a skin to skin day and try not to use the dum. Just let her feed when ever she wants to? She may be going through a bit of a growth spurt hence the unsettledness. Go on, you know it sounds lovely to get in a few DVDs and nice snacks and spend the day cuddling up together!
I wrote it wrong i meant 1 and half oz's im trying to hold the baby at the same time :wall:
Ahhhh hence my confusion :lol:

I still don't think it's anything to worry about, she hasn't lost weight. I'd definately have a skin to skin day, cancel all plans tomorrow! Would you mind ditching the dummy for a day?
i think some babies are just slow weight gainers. My son was 7lbs2oz born and he was 14lbs14oz at 5months. My HV said shes not worried at all, he just puts on weight steadily. if i remember right he hardly put anything on between his 8 week and 12 week check ups.
Apart from her being crabby for you, she doesn't look like she's a starving mite. I couldn't believe how much she was taking in and looking around! Some babies are just smaller, she's gained more than half her birth weight in 9 weeks!
my lo had only gained 8 ozs from birth last week (6 weeks old) - i was really starting to worry but this week she put on 9 ozs :shock:

try not to worry she sounds like she is doing fine :D
Luke is breastfed and from birth was gaining anything from 6oz to 13oz in a week!

He has had a few weeks more recently where his weight gain has slowed down a lot and he gained only 1.5oz in one week and then 3oz the following week He's dropped from around the 45th percentile to just above the 25th now but they're not concerned at all.

I'd honestly not worry too much. They gain slower some weeks than others. You might find in a week or two she will put on a huge amount!
I know your baby was small at birth Bloom so you are bound to worry about her weight gain, but please let us reassure you that this is ABSOLUTELY normal. Breastfed babies tend to pile on weight then drastically slow down about Sophie's age and this is absolutely normal.

My daughter took 9 months to double her birth weight, but she was a hefty 8+lbs to start with.

Kina and Bloom - any photos of your meet up?

Valentine Xxx
We've just been meeting up at a local toddler group, so no piccies. It's been lovely to meet Bloom though and have lots of Sophie snuggles, she's such a poppet! Alex gets mega jealous when he spots me and starts shouting, it's quite funny :lol: I'm like 'oooh Bloom I'll hold Sophie for you if you want a cuppa' :twisted: .

From meeting Bloom though (don't worry I don't call her that at toddlers :rotfl: ) I've been awestruck at how together she is and how content Sophie seems. I used to spend most groups with Alex leeched onto my chest, seriously I think most of the parents in our village have seen me with my baps hanging out! Sophie is so chilled though and is either napping or watching everything going on, so I'm angry that the HV has made her feel like she's not doing a good job! She's doing a brilliant job :hug:
Aww thats really nice Kina :oops: I know im very lucky to have such a contented baby but she does have screaming fits, next time shes having one you can come round and see for yourself :wink:

Valentine me and Kina live round the corner from eachother its a small world. :D

I think Sophie is making Kina broody though.
Kina your kids are lovely too Ella is so bright shes going to go far and Alex is a proper little mummy's boy, they both are very well behaved.

Im hijacking my own thread :wall:

Im feeling much better today you guys have made me feel much better about her weight now just think i was having an off day yesterday and Sophie seems much happier today too.
Ahhh thanks hon! Glad you're having a better day today, and my offer still stands of moral support next time you go down there :twisted:
Well its Sophie's big day tomorrow keep your fingers crossed she got a bit fatter. She also got her jabs poor mite.
The double whammy tomorrow! Don't despair if she's not piling it on, she looks in perfect proportion to me :) I'd avoid 'the cow' tomorrow, you're going to be so hormonal after her jabs. Just remember to stuff your boob in her mouth before she's got chance to cry :rotfl:

Good luck to you both :hug:
Well shes put on 5oz so im really pleased. All that extra eating ive been doing seems to have paid off :D

Kina the cow wasnt there today i had the bloke who was really nice.

She also had her jabs so she has been grumpy all day it was horrible and we have to do all again in a month :( .
Thats great news bloom, so its all paid off, so what does she weigh now??
Bloom said:
littleem said:
Thats great news bloom, so its all paid off, so what does she weigh now??

Shes 8lb14oz now.

Wow - she's put on loads! :cheer:

Connie was 10lb 7oz a week back... she's a real biff :rotfl:

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