no weight gain in one week- anyone experienced this?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
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Kathryn is 8 weeks old today and is exclusively breast fed. At her weekly weigh in at clinic yesterday, her weight had stayed the same from the previous week. She had been gaining on average 7oz a week so naturally I was concerned. She does not seem unwell, although she has had trouble with trapped wind so I have used Infacol earlier this week- she has been eating as normal and has had plenty of wet and dirty nappies. Her lack of weight gain makes no sense to me and I wondered wheteher anyone else had experienced a similar thing?
I haven't experienced it, but when I had Ella weighed at about 8 weeks, my hv told me to stop coming every wk as they can't see enough of a trend and that they won't worry about weight staying the same over one week.
At 8 weeks, I wouldn't worry too much - how much does she weigh? Is she over "newborn" weight (over 10lbs?)

Breastfed babies often tend to pile it on at the start then drastically tail off too and drop through the centiles in the (based on formula fed babies) chart. My DD dropped from 75th centile to 9th between 2 and 6 months old. This is quite normal.

Valentine Xxx
She weighs 9lb 6oz. I was expressing up to 5oz of milk for her last feed each night last week- could I have lessened my supply through the rest of the day by doing this?
I really wouldn't worry about her weight for one week, Lucy was exclusively bf and she would sometimes not put anything on and then have a sudden series of big weight gains.

So long as she is eating sleeping and being a generally happy contented baby there isn't anything to worry about.
Thanks for the replies :) - I like things to make sense and the fact that she has been a happy, well fed baby and STILL gained no weight made no sense at all! I have decided to only go to get her weighed every 2 weeks now though!
Heh I know what you mean but Lucy even now seems to be the same weight for a while then then leaps a bit, she does the same with growing, her feet for example haven't grown since December but I know that one day she'll wake up and all of a sudden her shoes won't fit!

Its a bit different to a baby but I think the same applies, don't worry about the occasional lack of growth, they seem to store it up and do a huge one instead!!
As long as shes happy, has plenty of wet nappies and is feeding well, Iwouldnt worry at all, your doing a fab job :hug:

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