Weight gain/loss with pg(s)?


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2010
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Hope I'm in the right place, but - how much weight did you gain during your pg(s)?

I gained 42# with #1 - and I exercised DAILY. (lost it in about 10 mos, actually dropped to a couple pounds less than where I started.) Gained about 32# with number 2, didn't exercise. BUT I've stayed about 10# heavier than where I started.

I've gained about 6# thus far (10 weeks pg) and I'm kind of getting nervous because I started out higher than I was before. (With #1 I had gained 12# by 12 weeks!! I was insanely HUNGRY all the time.)

I am bound and determined to get into SERIOUS shape after this bambino comes!! But right now I feel too crappy to do much about it.

Just wondering how this went for everyone else!
I've had three pregnancies and I always loose weight to start with then once morning sickness clears around 21 weeks I gain weight

with my 1st I lost 3 stone then gained and at the end of the pregnancy ended up being 21lbs heavier than before I was pregnant

With my second i lost 2 1/2 stone and then gained and ended up being 7lbs heavier than before I was pregnant

With my third I lost 2 1/2 stone and then gained weight and ended up being 2lbs lighter than pre pregnancy before birth

With each pregnancy after I have given birth I have been lighter than pre pregnancy with my third was the most and a big but nice shock when I got on the scales

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