Weaning - how young is too young?

Alice you actually made me heave then, had to spit my profiterole out :( what a waste!
I hate yoghurt too and Seb's not been too impressed either! I keep offering him it though! Lol x DD loves the stuff! We only ever have blue milk!
Abit O/T but I really fancy a profiterole now!
Lacey loves yogurts! Although she loves anything that you can get dairy from... Yogurt, milk, cheese!!
That's good shell have lovely strong bones!!
I feel sick I've eaten too many and there's still loads left I'll email them to you :rofl:

I think I'm gonna have to wean A sooner rather than later, he keeps stealing everything off my plate! Greedy so and so that he is!
Get it eaten! Waste not want not and all that! I tried purple milk the other week cos it's meant to be better for you! Ended up putting twice as much in yho :wall:
It's the stuff that's mean to have less fat in than the red stuff! Can't remember what the percentage is!
:rofl::rofl::rofl: K won't drink chocolate milk, I was gutted! You know them cold days you just want to snuggle up with hot chocolate?! Gutted like!!
I didn't think the red had any fat in! I'm rubbish at knowing these things!
Although tim's cousin asked once how does the farmer know what cow to milk to get the different milks! She actually thought there was a certain cow for full fat and semi skimmed etc! Lol
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: it's amazing the different ways people think you get different types of milk
Oh my days that is hilarious! That's so something Lee would come out with.
She's so funny!! We entered a charity duck race the other day and when we told her she thought it was real ducks racing!! She doesn't realise how dimb she sounds!!
That's good shell have lovely strong bones!!
I feel sick I've eaten too many and there's still loads left I'll email them to you :rofl:

I think I'm gonna have to wean A sooner rather than later, he keeps stealing everything off my plate! Greedy so and so that he is!

Are there any slimming world syns in e-eclairs?! If not send them my way :yay:
:rofl: o bet she believes that whipped cream is made the way it is in Charlie and the chocolate factory!

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