Weaning - how young is too young?

I started at 5 ½ months with my first one. My baby is now almost 4½ months but he shows no signs of being ready yet. And he is still very happy on milk, although he does wake up for feeds several times a night... But will wait untill I think he is ready.
can i just say, my next door neighbour had to wean her baby at 6 weeks old due to medical reasons. Do before you jump on people "Oh thats too early to wean" find out why they are? Its not ideal for a baby to have solids introduced to his system so young, but they are able to deal with things other than milk, if carefully made.

I've got to agree, my stepbrother was born with all sorts of problems (he was born at 26 weeks) and one was that he didn't have a sucking reflex so he was put on 'food' straight away at the hospital. He's just turned 26 and eats like a horse, so nothing wrong with him now lol!
I started at 15 weeks, baby was ready and took to it straight away, im very for mummys following their instincts but I wouldnt have started before 15 weeks that was my minimum and only coz he had been on hungry baby milk since he was 6 weeks old and i felt i couldnt hold on any longer.
can i just say, my next door neighbour had to wean her baby at 6 weeks old due to medical reasons. Do before you jump on people "Oh thats too early to wean" find out why they are? Its not ideal for a baby to have solids introduced to his system so young, but they are able to deal with things other than milk, if carefully made.
I think if its a medical decision then there is no problem , it mums who rush it so baby will sleep better than I feel a bit uncomfortable with . But your right about not judging to quickly .
I'm planning on waiting to wean and doing BLW at six months.

Each to their own I say! X
I was weaned at 6 weeks as I had horrendous colic and cried all day every day (and night). I don't think it's done me any harm and my mum was even asked to go to local mums groups to speak to them about coping with a baby with colic as she turned into the guru!
We started weaning about 14 weeks, I had thought we'd wait but Ross's reflux was getting worse rather than better and the HV said to wean at 4 months. I know it wasn't quite 4 months but you know when you're baby needs something else. I'd rather he was on food than medication!
I think there's a *bit* of a difference between someone giving a baby custard at 8 weeks cos they like te taste of it and weaning early due to medical reason! A friend o mine weaned her twins at 8 weeks, by gving them petit filous! I could believe it!

I weaned K at 11 weeks, jut with baby rice til she turned 17 weeks when she got fruit and root veg and then no meat til she was over 6 months! E was almost 6 months, she jut wasn't interested! All babies are different, but I think 8 weeks is a tad early! Especially for custard! I don't think my two have even had it yet!
Obviously for medical reasons is totally different :)

But this isn't for medical reasons, the gran is 'old school' and of the opinion it didnt do her any harm (that she can notice :lol: )
My friend with the yoghurt did it cos her mum is old school irish :lol: an ex of mine's mum told me I had to give E an ice cream when she was about 6 months, I tol her to get fooked :lol: an then caught her shovelling baked beans and smash into her mouth behind my back :shock:
well Ellie was weaned at 18 weeks (11 corrected) so ladies she was far off the 8 weeks (2month) mark
can i just say, my next door neighbour had to wean her baby at 6 weeks old due to medical reasons. Do before you jump on people "Oh thats too early to wean" find out why they are? Its not ideal for a baby to have solids introduced to his system so young, but they are able to deal with things other than milk, if carefully made.[/QUOT

thanks mommakat for making it aware that people should ask before judging I ger judged all the bloody time cause we are 1. TW Ellie 2, cause we had to sart when she was so young and 3. cause we are often told in public we shouldnt be weaning a baby so small

It really gets on my nerves xx
amelia had some baby porridge at 12 weeks and then just waited a few weeks and added pureed veg and she has just started having a yoghurt or pureed fruit for lunch think it is individual but i wouldnt start till before 12 weeks unless advised by a health professional

Claire 24- i get this to because she is only little for her age ppl assume shes younger than she is x
My friend with the yoghurt did it cos her mum is old school irish :lol: an ex of mine's mum told me I had to give E an ice cream when she was about 6 months, I tol her to get fooked :lol: an then caught her shovelling baked beans and smash into her mouth behind my back :shock:

Umm.. Whats wrong with baked beans n smash? Have some sense lol babys arent gonna be health freaks, they like it so screw it its not like its a bowl of sugar.
My friend with the yoghurt did it cos her mum is old school irish :lol: an ex of mine's mum told me I had to give E an ice cream when she was about 6 months, I tol her to get fooked :lol: an then caught her shovelling baked beans and smash into her mouth behind my back :shock:

Umm.. Whats wrong with baked beans n smash? Have some sense lol babys arent gonna be health freaks, they like it so screw it its not like its a bowl of sugar.
I think its the facrt that she was giving it too her after being told not too , mind you I would not feed smash and beans too a six month old as they are in my eyes processed junk foods .:whistle: but then Im very fussy
My friend with the yoghurt did it cos her mum is old school irish :lol: an ex of mine's mum told me I had to give E an ice cream when she was about 6 months, I tol her to get fooked :lol: an then caught her shovelling baked beans and smash into her mouth behind my back :shock:

My friend with the yoghurt did it cos her mum is old school irish :lol: an ex of mine's mum told me I had to give E an ice cream when she was about 6 months, I tol her to get fooked :lol: an then caught her shovelling baked beans and smash into her mouth behind my back :shock:

Umm.. Whats wrong with baked beans n smash? Have some sense lol babys arent gonna be health freaks, they like it so screw it its not like its a bowl of sugar.
I think its the facrt that she was giving it too her after being told not too , mind you I would not feed smash and beans too a six month old as they are in my eyes processed junk foods .:whistle: but then Im very fussy

Um she was told not to give her ice cream Lol.. and theres nothing wrong with Baked beans and mash potato.. jeez if thats junk food, wha tthe hell do you eat?
Tbh smash and baked beans is junk food in my eyes too. I'd never give Seb baked beans or smash-though mashed potato is alright in my book. I'm not a big fan of baked beans at all. As for 'what the hell' we eat, er healthy food that isn't baked beans and smash!
Tinned baked beans are proper junk food. Full of sugars. But as far as I know they are classed as one of your 5 a day. It's just the sauce that's bad xx
^^ yeah the sauce has too high a level of salt for under 1s. And its sugary too. But you can buy reduced salt and sugar ones now. Health visitor told me the salt levels in those ones are okay, so LO has that.
Baked beans and smash are full of salt, ad arent good for babies AT ALL!! in fact, she can't have even been 6 months cos I hadn't started weaning! So she was giving her food when she wasn't even beig weaned! I wouldn't eat smash myself, it's vile! And ive always said I wouldn't feed my kids things I wasnt prepared to eat myself!

I think it's more a case of practise what you preach yho, saying how you shouldn't judge people weaning early and yen jumping on my back for being pissed off that someone fed my child food yhat is completely unsuitable for
Weaning behind my back!!! Get some fucking sense.
I certainly wouldn't feed my child smash its full of salt, the mil gave LO Wotsit today i could of killed her for a start they contain milk and Tegans Lactose intolerant, needless to say i've told OH i'll never take LO there again x

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