Weaning - how young is too young?


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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I've only started weaning the past week to week and a a half :) getting on great :)

I've just found out my neighbours lo has been weaning their lo the past few weeks (started at 2 months)

Too young?

I'd been feeling half guilty for weaning my wee man but he was well over 17 weeks :|

So opinions :)
2 months?! I would say thats way too early but thats just my opinion. Still..2 months? :shock:
I'd say 2 months is way too young! Tbh there's no research to say babies need weaning before 6 months but I accept some babies are 'hungrier' so are weaned earlier. I wouldn't wean before 6 months, definately not before 5 months but that's just me. I wouldn't judge anyone who did wean early though, their baby, their choice I guess. Still 2 months is a bit *shock*
2months seems wayyy too young?! every parent has the right to do what they feel is best but i deffo think a LO's belly at 2 months just wouldnt be able to handle solids! i weaned early about 16 weeks, and do regret it now and wish i had waited! in italy they start weaning at 5 months. next time round i want to wait until at least 5 months if not deffo 6 months!!! ive been reading all over that until 1 year, milk is just so much more important than food!
I started just over 3 months. She was guzzling 8oz every 2 hours and wanting more, so i started putting a lil cereal in her bottles to bulk them up a bit, still did the same thing, so started just making up the cereal with her formula, and went from there. she has allsorts now n is a much happier baby for it, she got colic bad, and has nasty reflux and both have calmed a lot since we started on "solids"

that said she doesnt have it everyday, only if she is really still hungry.
Someone at baby group started there LO at 11 weeks i was rather shocked! x
I feel its a bit young , unless maybe a doctor advised it ?
That's proper shocked me. I'll admit I know absolutely nothing about weaning but 2months seems too young to me, how would their bellies cope?!
I thought that they said not to wean before 17 weeks as their little tummy/digestive system couldnt manage to process the food properly.....yet to me 6 months seems too long and I know the Department of Health announced last year that they are looking into changing the advice back to 4 months as they believe that iron levels are reduced too much if wait til 6 months????
2 months seems extreme and may lead to health problems in the future
All 3 of my kids were weaned at different ages because it was done when I felt they needed it. Guide likes are exactly that, a guide, not set in stone. Kieran was weaned at 13 weeks and took to it like a duck to water, the kid was starving! Jacob was 19-20 weeks and more than ready. Lucas was almost 6 months and only really started eating properly at 7 month and now there is no stopping him. He is by far the chunkiest of my boys. I think every child is very different and usually the mother knows best ( unless of course she is forcing solids on a tiny baby for an extra hours kip ) xx
I'm not sure on motive but the baby wasn't taking anymore milk?

His gran told me she was feeding him custard as he liked it :|

Mind you its not as bad as what my sons gf's mum told me :shock: she weaned her 12 year old at a week and a half :faint:
Oh my actual gosh.
I have nothing else to say to that bit!!
I think my heart temporarily stopped for a minte :shock:
I think it's too young, as for a week and a half, is she serious?!!! Unless the baby is ready, I don't see the rush to wean myself, it's so much easier when they are just having milk, and there is plenty of time in the future for food xxx
Hey hon, with Harrison he had no interest in food at all until her was a week or two off 6 months so started then and took it slowly and I always thought that was a great age to wean. However, Ellot started trying to eat anything I was eating from about 12 weeks so at 16 weeks I started weaning him and he eats better now than Harrison did at 7 months. All babies are different but I wouldn't go below 4 months ish cos of guidelines I think. 2 months seems little and don't even get me started on a week and a half lol x x x
OMG 2 months that does sound very early :eh: I'm not an advocate of the 6 month rule, I firmly believe you have to go by your baby and what they tell you, if they need to be weaned early so be it but 2 months sounds really early to me.....

Although the stories I hear from my mum about me and my cousins - " you were eating pureed mince and potatoes when you were 6 weeks and it's never done you any harm". Maybe that's why I'm such a greedy cow now :lol:
My eldest was weaned at 12 weeks and the other 2 between 14 and 16 weeks and kieron will b weaned early cos he's 9 weeks old and already having 6x7oz bottles a day-hv said today that there's no way he'l get to 6 months! My mate started weanin at 8 weeks which I do think is too early.
When I weaned my eldest he was admitted to hospital due to suspected whoopin cough and when I asked the nurse about givin him a rusk she said that the peadiatric consultant recommended early weaning (the guideline then was 16 weeks) cos he thought babies took to it better?!
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I cant really remember when i weaned my oldest. I know it was quite early as my ex MIL at the time pressured me into it. (I was living there at the time) My middle boy was 3 months..looking back it was too early and he wasn't ready! I waited till 6 months this time and it's much more easier as he's older as i'm doing BLW, it's all down to him and he's loving it.

My brothers ex fed her 8 week old baby girl munch bunch yoghurt...couldn't believe it!

I think when they begin to take an interest in food then thats a good time to start, wether it be 4 months or 6 months...i do think anything before is a bit too early.

I saw a quote the other day 'Food is for fun until the age of one' Milk is still their main source of nutrition till then.
can i just say, my next door neighbour had to wean her baby at 6 weeks old due to medical reasons. Do before you jump on people "Oh thats too early to wean" find out why they are? Its not ideal for a baby to have solids introduced to his system so young, but they are able to deal with things other than milk, if carefully made.

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