My friend with the yoghurt did it cos her mum is old school irishan ex of mine's mum told me I had to give E an ice cream when she was about 6 months, I tol her to get fooked
an then caught her shovelling baked beans and smash into her mouth behind my back
I think its the facrt that she was giving it too her after being told not too , mind you I would not feed smash and beans too a six month old as they are in my eyes processed junk foods .My friend with the yoghurt did it cos her mum is old school irishan ex of mine's mum told me I had to give E an ice cream when she was about 6 months, I tol her to get fooked
an then caught her shovelling baked beans and smash into her mouth behind my back
Umm.. Whats wrong with baked beans n smash? Have some sense lol babys arent gonna be health freaks, they like it so screw it its not like its a bowl of sugar.but then Im very fussy
Um she was told not to give her ice cream Lol.. and theres nothing wrong with Baked beans and mash potato.. jeez if thats junk food, wha tthe hell do you eat?
|Good for you, i make up alannas food myself. but seriously, if you have a problem with baked beans.. theres somethin wrong Lol