Weaning - how young is too young?

My friend with the yoghurt did it cos her mum is old school irish :lol: an ex of mine's mum told me I had to give E an ice cream when she was about 6 months, I tol her to get fooked :lol: an then caught her shovelling baked beans and smash into her mouth behind my back :shock:

My friend with the yoghurt did it cos her mum is old school irish :lol: an ex of mine's mum told me I had to give E an ice cream when she was about 6 months, I tol her to get fooked :lol: an then caught her shovelling baked beans and smash into her mouth behind my back :shock:

Umm.. Whats wrong with baked beans n smash? Have some sense lol babys arent gonna be health freaks, they like it so screw it its not like its a bowl of sugar.
I think its the facrt that she was giving it too her after being told not too , mind you I would not feed smash and beans too a six month old as they are in my eyes processed junk foods .:whistle: but then Im very fussy

Um she was told not to give her ice cream Lol.. and theres nothing wrong with Baked beans and mash potato.. jeez if thats junk food, wha tthe hell do you eat?

Um fruits , veg and non processed crap is what the hell I feed my baby and I think that I personally would avoid junk food thats all I was trying to say .
Well not really, you started judging and trying to throw your weight around, but it kinda backfired on your arse didn't it, cos feeding baked beans and smash is essentially like feeding them a bowl of sugar AND a bowl of salt at the same time!!
AND Nothing passed katies lips til she was over 9months that wasn't made soley by me...
|Good for you, i make up alannas food myself. but seriously, if you have a problem with baked beans.. theres somethin wrong Lol
i agree that if weaning young is due to medical problems, ok. however i personally wouldnt start that young otherwise. i do not plan to give my lo smash or baked beans for the same reasons that other ladies have stated, however he does love mashed potatoes mixed with some of his formula. things that he eats... lots of home made purees with fresh veg, he loves authentic parmesan cheese grated into his purees, and lots of fruit. i do buy jars for him too, things like egg custard, rice pudding those types of things although i do try & make everything fresh for him even though sometimes its not always possible or convenient!
I just realised the thread is about weaning , sorry about dragging further off topic xxxx
There's something wrong with me if I think there's something wrong with feeding my children food yhat is high in salt and sugar and potentially damaging to their tiny little bodies??!! You actually are off your trolley aren't you?!
Aha Alice I love you!!! If someone tried to feed my child (regardless of whether I was weaning or not) beans and smash I'd stab a fork in their eye. Smash is FAKE potato ffs, why would you even consider it?! I very rarely eat beans myself cos theyre so full of crap so there's no way I'd give them to A.
I've given charley mashed potatoes but no way would I give him smash! I hate baked beans so wouldn't give him them either!
|Good for you, i make up alannas food myself. but seriously, if you have a problem with baked beans.. theres somethin wrong Lol

Seriously, giving baked beans to under 1s can damage their kidneys. Same goes for gravy and anything with stock cubes or added salt.

I can't understand you, this forum offers support and respect to everyone, including you, but I've seen you say some really unsupportive disrespectful stuff quite a few times now. I can't see what provoked your comments.
WSS ^^^ I rarely argue back on posts but this one has really riled me...the ladies are right - salt is dangerous for such young babies...and Momma Kat I was surprised a few weeks ago to read ur post saying how proud you were that your LO had eaten a whole Petit Filous...at 2 months and 1 week old according to ur ticker!!! And u say u make her food urself eh?? I have no prob with what people want to do but Alice was quite right to react how she did and I don't get why u have responded how u have tbh
Couldnt agree more!
Each to their own and all that, everyone can feed their baby whatever they want but surely everyone has common sense?! And what a child eats is the parents choice to make not someone elses so Alice had every right to be mad at the person for trying it!
Kat, how would you react if I stood literally right behind you and shovelled a mouthful of anything into her mouth?! Cos that's what happened, this woman isn't even related to my girls!! And Jesus, don't get me started on petit
Filous! Not only can babies under 6 months not digest dairy, they are absolutely full of shit!! From 4 months, you can add a bit of blue milk to food when cooking, but yoghurt that early is really not good'
Getting slightly off the topic and argument going on....is it true that Little Stars yoghurt can be given before 6 months? I only ask cos I'm sure I read it on here somewhere :)
The packs for them and for petit filous both say ok from 4 months so I guess they are fine - a lot of people aren't keen as they contain a lot of sugar I think (but no expert I admit) x x x
They say from 4 months, I gave them from
About 5 months! They're fab only like 5 ingredients in them compared to petit filous that have about 50!
Blue milk :rofl: memories.
Sorry Becky I haven't got a clue, yoghurt makes me heave just looking at it so I avoid it at all costs!!
The worst's warm yoghurt :sick: I hate it when they've been out the fridge a while an have gone warm :sick:

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