Weaning - how young is too young?

Erm, If your gonna give me grief foro gicing her yogurt, perhaps go look it up first huh.

Why is it ok to give my baby Yogurt (and Cheese) before she is 1 year old? Is there something special about the dairy aspect of yogurt and cheese?

Yogurt and cheese are a bit special when it comes to introducing these 2 foods considering that they are dairy products.

While there is no great magical mystery in Yogurt or Cheese, the most common reasons for yogurt and cheese being fine to introduce to a baby prior to the age of 1 year old are:

Unlike Whole Cow Milk beverage, your baby is not at risk of formula/breast milk being replaced by Yogurt or Cheese.

The medical community worries that if Whole Cow milk is introduced to an infant prior to 1 year old, that parents would stop formula and/or breastfeeding and use Milk as the replacement. This would possibly be dangerous to your baby's health! They, however, neglect to specify the difference between baby drinking milk and eating yogurt and/or cheese.

Lactose is broken down with the culturing of the yogurt or cheese and milk proteins are either semi-removed or limited. The culturing makes yogurt and cheese easier to digest. Many people with lactose intolerance often are be able to eat cheese and/or yogurt without trouble. The same is often true for some people with a milk protein (either to the casein or the whey) allergy.

And fyi - smash isnt FAKE potato. Its real potato, just dried.
The problem with the yoghurt hun (and the beans) is the sugar in it. Petit filous is one of the worst culprits for it.

I had no idea about the dangers of sugars and salt for babies until I went on a weaning course at the local Childrens centre. Really opened my eyes.

Companies also get around it by labelling it as fructose, sucrose, glucose etc. Rule of thumb is if it's got 'ose' at the end then avoid as it's probably unnecessary sugars that really aren't good for their little bodies.
Right haven't read back (but will do) but I cannot stress enough the dangers of smash in young babies. A baby actually died from this :( it has way too much salt, the mum thought she was doing a good thing but well the worst happened :'( and that is FACT
Actually smash is fake potato. If you're gonna get mouthy about things at least do your research. It even says it on the back of the packet! It's made from potato flour and has way less protein fibre and vitamins than REAL potatoes... If it was made from real ones surely they'd have the same amount????
At the end of the day it's processed and processed foods are rubbish for us so there's no way in hell I'd give it to a young baby!
Thanks Mamafy - I think it's all too easy to make mistakes with food for such tiny bodies if ur not properly informed and that is so sad x x x
I think I said it to you in another thread kat, if you're gona Give them
Yoghurt, the best thing you can do is give natural yoghurt sweetened with fruit puree! I also said that I gave yoghurt before 6 months, but wouldn't have given petit filous! Mamafy's example shows how dangerous these processed foods can be :( I seem to remember a similar case with baked beans aswell... So yea, when jumping on us about doing our research, do your own first love, yea? :flower:
And now we can go back to the gorgeous OP's topic :lol:
:lol: I think it was what age is too young and I think it was decided that all babies are different whether it be medical or development reasons there is no set age. But weaning for a few extra hours kip is bad. Then there was a load of catty comments, followed by reactions to it and we ended up here. Is that an ok summary :smug: xx
i get so confused with certain topics lol Ellie has to get extra sugar drops daily but I suppose its all to do with her being prem, but I was told to give her yoghurt too by the neonatal peadatrition as it has a high fat content to bulk up her weight xx
Well I gave Paige some baked beans tonight and now I feel a bit bad...

Although I could probably count the number of beans she had on 2 hands so Im sure I can be let off this once :D
Aw dont feel bad, im quite sure a few baked beans wont have done any harm, enjoy the poops lol x
Everything in moderation :flower: I'm sure she'll be fine on a few. morgan loves beans :lol: we get asda own reduced salt and sugar, heinz ones are expensive but the asda ones a 4 for a pound :yay:
Yeah I said to my mum today about the reduced salf and sugar ones. I can't remember what they're called (I remember they begin with h...) but I might just put those in my cooking :)

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