Was your baby planned???

Kinda not planned not prevented ish. I have pcos and needed ovarian drilling before I even ovulated then got pregnant but mc at six weeks and then got pregnant with Cameron two months later x
Phoebe was sort of planned, as in we didn't prevent, but we weren't testing all the time iykwim x
Grace was planned :)
We started TTC about 4/5 months into our relationship, as silly as that sounds!
It took us almost a year to conceive, which was awful. I was forever doing pregnancy tests and forever crying at a big fat negative, my OH was really trying hard as well, he was always researching ways to boost fertility, it meant a lot to him to have a baby with me, which makes me smile just thinking about it now :)

I started taking Agnus Castus in March last year and that's when I conceived :) Thank God for Agnus Castus!! I wouldn't have conceived otherwise, especially because we decided to stop trying and just enjoy life without being so upset about not conceiving, we believed it will just happen when it happens.. a month later I got my BFP! I wouldn't change a thing, we're in absolute love with our girl :love: xxx

Jack's an Agnus Castus baby! :)

After 7 long cycles I decided to try it and 3 cycles (considerably shorter) later we got our BFP! I'm defo taking it when we TTC baby number 2! x
It's nice hearing peoples journies! Unplanned baby people
How did you feel? We're you excited or scared or upset?
I still have the bottle of Agnus Castus capsules, I only took a months worth when I fell pregnant so there's lots left.
Will definitely use them again in the future. Agnus Castus is a herb yeah :D xxx
Alice was a planned and much wanted baby. After 18 months of ttc, tring every potion out there we conceived after my first cycle on clomid, which was around this time last year!!
Grace wasn't planned but we were ntnp. I wanted to have a baby for so long, tbh the urge kinda consumed me. Me and oh had just been on holiday at a festival and in amsterdam and af was late but I thought it was cos my body new I was away camping LOL!! Got back and decided to do a test. I was over the moon, took oh abit longer to get his head round but he is the best daddy a little girl could have. It's the best thing that's ever happened to us and our life has just got better and better since she arrived.
It's nice hearing peoples journies! Unplanned baby people
How did you feel? We're you excited or scared or upset?

Absolutely terrified. I remember just jumping up and down on the spot in the bathroom thinking omfg what have I done and what do I do?! Spent the rest of the day with OH and we talked about it all and decided that although its a bit early for both of us that we can afford to have a baby and that we will manage. I booked an abortion at 7 weeks after finding out I was pregnant at 5 weeks and was told by my best friend that I was to ring her in the morning and she would come pick me up to go to the appointment but if I didn't ring then she wouldn't ring me. I obviously never rang her and now I'm here waiting to pop :)
I came off the pill for a break and we wernt trying but wernt preventing and got preg after 9 months , Then I had a mc which threw us both so then we did actively try after that , got preg 8 months later and now Owens here . :)
My son was a surprise (I was on the pill) but very much loved and wanted xx
mine wasnt planned! my partner went to uni 3 hours away from home after being together two years, popped back to visit me after 2 weeks and i managed to get pregnant! have always been told i have little chance of having children due to complications and womens troubles in the past. but sure enough it happend and we wouldnt change her for the world!
Savannah was planned. Very quickly but that's just the way we do things. Me and dh met in January, we were together in February and engaged in May, then started ttc in August of the same year. Got my bfp in December and got married the February after whilst I was pregnant.
1st most definitely was not planned, was only 18, still a baby myself, second was not planned either (was on the pill. Twins were planned :) xx

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